Sunday, November 14, 2021

73 vs. 73's

Is the salutation 73 or 73's ?  

The debate continues - but we think we can put a rest to the controversy.

It seems in 1879, Walter P. Phillips created several hundred codes to help telegraph operators to use as shorthand, in order to decrease the number of characters required to send messages.

One of these codes is 73 which means:  best regards

Note that this code and meaning is in the plural form, not singular.

Hence, as a salutation, it makes sense to just use 73, not 73's because in longhand you would be saying "best regardses" which is nonsensical in English.

Although this clarifies how to use the shorthand in English, some folks still use the double-plural shorthand, even Herim Percy, 1AW:

And, here is another example from the 1920s saying "best best regardses":

In conclusion, spread the word that 73 is the correct form, not 73's.

73 de OG7D

Below, you can find a transcription of the book.

    Transcribed by Joseph Hartmann K2AVJ


[ J.Hartmann's notes enclosed between brackets ]



----------------this is a work in progress --------------------

----------------the actual PHILLIPS CODE book is done ---------

----------------but I am uncertain about embedded TABS --------

----------------and I expect to change some of the ------------

----------------recollections of Stu at the end. --------------

----------------WA2FFY has given me some inputs ---------------

----------------which remain to be incorporated ---------------



[cover: brown print on buff background]











[reverse side of front cover,

 rubber stamped in red ink:  ]


 National Telegraph Office

 1149 Weber St.

 Union, NJ 07083



[page -3: rest of book black print on white background]




       P h i l l i p s     C o d e







          TO BE USED AS AN


E A S I L Y   A C Q U I R E D   M E T H O D




       General Newspaper and Court





            Walter P. Phillips



             revised in 1975



    Entered According to Act of Congress


             WALTER P. PHILLIPS


          Renewed January 8, 1907



                 NEW YORK


                253 BROADWAY



[page -2]

[blank side of previous page]



[page -1]

         I N T R O D U C T I O N


  There has been a persistent demand for

a code book that contained not only the

Phillips, but various other codes and sig-

nals that were once widely used.


  The necessity for codes and coding be-

came apparent with the earliest forms of

signalling, as only very limited intelligence

could be transmitted by the crude devices

of those days.  When the electric telegraph

made possible the speedy transmission of

alphabets and numerals, coding was still

important to reduce line time and costs.


  Research suggests that at one time,

commercial telegraphs and railroads had

numerical codes that contained at least

100 groupings.  Few survived beyond the

turn of the century.  The compilation in

this book represents the consensus of many

whose duties brought them into close con-

tact with this subject.  It will be noted

that in some cases, more than one mean-

ing was assigned to a coding.  The most

generally understood definition is printed

first, with secondary usage in parenthesis.


  The Phillips Code is that of the last offi-

cial edition  -- 1925 --  plus the Market 

supplement of 1909 and a listing of some

codings which have been added.


  I am indebted to J. Ralph Graham, Nick

Carter, George Secrist and Art Stewart,

long time press operators, for suggestions

and review of the general arrangement.



                   E. STUART DAVIS (DV)




[page 0: a copy of an old advertisement]


      Q U A L I T Y    F I R S T


 [picture of a sounder and key on a wooden base]

 [     with the base marked "MARCONI"          ]


      Only BUNNELL Keys should be used

in sending Phillips' Code or any other Code.

There is no other key in same class.  Perfect

workmanship with iridium hardened, plat-

inum points  is the reason for their easy

working and the beautiful, clean-cut signals

they make.

  Special prices to code users on application.


[Picture of          ] 

["Hudson's           ]      H U D S O N    

[Word Register"      ]  W O R D    C O U N T E R

[     Patented       ]

[a pointer over 360  ]    For counting number of

[degrees with "50" at] words written on a typewriter.

[the top, and major  ]    Furnished with attachments

[divisions of 10, 20 ] for applying it to all the stand-

[30, and 40, going   ] makes of machines.

[cw, evenly spaced   ]    On ordering be sure to

[in increments of    ] specify make and model of

[one unit            ] machine on which it is to be


                          Directions for attaching ac-

                     company each machine.       

                      SPECIAL NET PRICE $3.00


Send for catalog and circular of C.Q.A. Relays.


J.  H.  B U N N E L L   &  C O.  Inc.

PARK PLACE, near Woolworth Bldg.

          NEW YORK.



[page 1]

  W A L T E R    P O L K    P H I L L I P S


  Born in Grafton, Massachusetts, in 1846,

Walter Phillips entered upon a career in com-

munications as a messenger for the American

Telegraph Company at its Providence, Rhode

Island office in 1861. Quickly mastering the

art of Morse telegraphy, he became one of the

fastest operators of the time.  In 1864 he was

promoted to the position of "report opr." copy-

ing news despatches from the Associated Press.

He set a new speed recond by copying 2731

words in one hour.  This feat won an award

of a solid gold pen from Prof. Samuel F. B.

Morse.  Phillips joined the Associated Press in

1867 and was made manager of its Washington

Bureau in 1868.  Ever alert to the value of

speed in news transmission, he persuaded the

AP in 1875 to establish the nation's first leased

wire, for press service, linking the cities of

New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash-

ington.  Determined to make the AP the fast-

est news nervice in the country, he revised the

existing abbreviations and codes used in the

transmission of press.  in 1879 he published the

first edition of the "Phillips code" -- a system

so fundamentally sound in principle and so

easy to learn that it quickly became the stand-

ard code used throughout the North American



  As an inventor, he patented an improved

form of hand key that was widely acclaimed

by operators -- and shortly thereafter, in con-

junction with R. H. Weiny, invented a single

line repeater knows as the Weiny-Phillips

that remained in service as long as Morse

wires were in use.  He was joint inventor of

the first successful semi-automatic key: the

"Autoplex," patented in 1902 by Horace G.



  In 1898, Walter Phillips was appointed vice

  president and general manager of the United

  Press, and he retired in 1918 as one of the

  most highly respected gentlemen ever to

  grace the telegraphic profession.





[page 2]              

            F O R E W A R D


  The growth of the language necessitates, at

intervals, the elimination form the Phillips

codethose contractions that have become

practically obsolete, and providing code for

the newer words, or those that, during recent

years, have become common in press reports.


  Revision of the code according to the root

of the word involved was desired.  This idea

had to be abandoned, however, because the ar-

bitrary representations of words and phrases

by a combination of letters produces anoma-

lous formations, which, being once incorpor-

ated, cannot afterward be easily dropped or

reformed.  And, again, the same contraction

was frequently found to fit different words:

hence deviation from the desired basis of for-

mation was necessary, in order that the more

important words might be included in the

present work.


  Among the more important changes are:


  Abr- Abrogate.          Cft- Confident.

  Acq- Acquaint.          Cfu- Confuse.

  Admn- Admission.        Cnc- Concern.

  Adrn- Administration.   Cop- Cheif of Police.

  Ahd- Apprehend.         Cul - Culminate.

  Ape- Appreciate.        Cy- Copy.

  Apkn- Application.      Dcr- December.

  Apln- Appelation.       Dec- Decrease.

  Aq- Acquire.            Def- Defeat.

  Aqt- Acquit.            Deft- Definite.

  Aqu- Acute.             Dfi- Deficient.

  Aqw- Acquiesce.         Dpo- Dispose.

  Asr- Assert.            Efy- Efficiency.

  Atv- Attentive.         Ek- Economy.

  Atrv- Attractive.       Elm- Eliminate.

  Avb- Available.         Elq- Eloquent.

  Avob- Avoidable.        Elt- Element.

  Bri- Brilliant.         Eq- Enquire.

  Ccu-Conclude.           Eql- Equal.





Hag- Haggle.              Rept- Repeat.

Hz- Hazard.               Req- Request.

Igo- In consequence of.   Rlav- Relative.

Kf- Confer.               Rlv- Relieve.

Kft- Conflict.            Rpt- Represent.

Kpr- Conspire.            Rpv- Representative.

Kpt- Compete.             Rq- Require

Lx- Pounds sterling.      Rsd- Reside.

Oac- On account of.       Rsg- Resign.

Ot- Owing to.             Rsl- Resolve.

Pa- Pennsylvania          Sac- Senate Committee.

Pcu- Preclude.            Scf- Sacrifice.

Pkg-Packing.              Sovy- Soverignty.

Pkj- Package.             Soy- Society.

Pku- Peculiar.            Spk- Spoke.

Pmnt- Prominent.          Spn- Suspicion.

Pmt- Permit.              Spq- speak.

Png- Pending.             Thu- The house.

Px- Price.                Wam- Ways and means.

Pxl- Political.


  Intelligent use of the code is the desideratum

for both sender and receiver; and, in this con-

nection, some tried observations are submitted.

  1.  To send code at top speed defeats its

purpose.  Indeed, mechanical ability seems a neg-

ligible factor in moving the report, for the mod-

erately slow sender, of even temper, and precise

signals, exites no anger, and, therefore, pro-

vakes no breaking.

  2.  Code should be well spaced, so that the

receiver is required to make no effort in its

translation.  Where the receiver is forced to solve

a puzzle in a way of improper or badly used

code, the context of the story is lost and a

break usually follows.

  3.  Seldom, if ever, should code be used at

the beginning of a sentence; nor should code be

used where the coded word or words precede

a group of figures.

  4.  Code that in itself makes a good English

word should not be used in any sentence where

the word coded would fit into the sense.

  5.  Where two consecutive words in a sen-

tence belong to separate ideas, they should not

be contracted into a single combination; e.g.,

"When the vacancy occurred and the question





of filling it was put to him, the governor."

etc.; "And the only way to stop it was for the

employers and employes to co-operate"; " * * *

the nature of it is not known."

  6.  The sign 'cx" should be freely used, espe-

cially for such proper names as also ore com-

mon English words: "the Glass amendment";

"the Wood report"; and preceding titles inde-

terminable, as such, from the matter just pre-

ceding: "and Immigration Inspectors John Doe

and Richard Roe." The signals "i5" and "e5"

shoulsd no less be neglected.

  7.  Following proper names a contraction some-

times is bad: "Representative Henry of the Owen

committee"; "Judge Dayton in the Hitchman

Coal company case." And, occasionally, a proper

name is best coded: "Congressman Hendry D.


  8.  Possessives, when not clearly indicated by

the context, should be specified: "The account-

ants report."  Here, it isn't clear whether "ac-

countants" is nominative plural, possessive sin-

gular, or possessive plural.

  9.  When the receiver breaks on a coded word,

the sender should spell it out, and then repeat

the cod.

  10.   Errors due to an oversight on the part

of the sender often are better corrected in a

note at the end of the item.  Many typewriters

are used without ribbons, and it is difficult for

the receiver to locate the place for the correction.

  11.  Difficult words and proper names should

be sent very slowly, without repetition.  Paradox-

ical as it is, it isn't the time one makes, but

the time one loses that really counts on any



  For timely and thoughtful suggestions, I am

grateful to many gentlemen too numerous for

brief specification.  Representatives of the Asso-

ciated Press, Laffan News Bureau, Hearst News

Service, and the United Press have been con-

sulted and their advice solicited.  A am specially

indebted to Mr. Milton Gorges, of the Chicago

Associated Press, who, besides submitting many

new words and changes, has been kind enough

to criticize all changes and additions anent which





there was an difference of opinion.  Others

whose help has been invaluable are Messrs. Frank

H. Trickle, New York, George R. Allen, San

Francisco, and C. J. King, Atlanta.


  In conclusion, I have sought to please no one,

but merely to adopt the consensus of opinion

of those whose years in the press service best

qualify them to pass on the fitness of the changes

and additions made in the revision.  I therefore

dismiss the work with a feeling that I have done

the best I know how.

                               E. E. Bruckner.

  Spokane, January 1, 1914.




    T H E    P H I L L I P S   C O D E





  The Morse alphobet, which is employed to rep-

resent the sounds used in sten-telegraphy, is

composed entirely of linear characters formed

of dots and dashes, and by combinations of the two.

The letters c, o, r, y, and z, and the symbol

"&" are composed of dots and spaces.  There

are no spaces in any of the letters composed of

dashes.  The alphabet is as follows:

      A . _                    O .   .

        B _ . . .                P . . . . .

        C . .   .                Q . . _ .

        D _ . .                  R .   . .

        E .                      S . . .

        F . - .                  T _

        G _ _ .                  U . . _

        H . . . .                V . . . _

        I . .                    W . _ _

        J _ . _ .                X . _ . .

        K _ . _                  Y . .   . .

        L ____ [long dash]       Z . . .   .

        M _ _

      N _ .


The figures are as follows:

  1 . _ _ .                  6 . . . . . .

  2 . . _ . .                7 - - . .

  3 . . . _ .                8 _ . . . .

  4 . . . . _                9 _ . . _

  5 _ _ _                    0 ___ [long dash]


The difference between the Morse and

Universal codes are shown in the following list.

   Morse.                   Universal.

   C . .   .                _ . _ .

   F . _ .                  . . _ .

   J _ . _ .                . _ _ _

   L ___[long dash]         . _ . .

   O .  .                   _ _ _

   P . . . . .              . _ _ .

   Q . . _ .                _ _ . _






   R .   . .                . _ .

   X . _ . .                _ . . _

   Y . .   . .              _ . _ _

   Z . . .   .              _ _ . .


   1 . _ _ .                . _ _ _ _

   2 . . _ . .              . . _ _ _

   3 . . . _ .              . . . _ _

   5 _ _ _                  . . . . .

   6 . . . . . .            _ . . . .

   7 _ _ . .                _ _ . . .

   8 _. . . .               _ _ _ . .

   9 _ . . _                _ _ _ _ .

   0 ___ [long dash]        _ _ _ _ _


  The punctuation marks used as a part of this

       system are as follows:

  Comma- Dot, dash, dot, dash.

  Interrogation point- Dash, two dots, dash, dot

  Capital letter- Cx.

  Small letter- 15. (. . _ _ _)

  Shilling mark- Ut.

  Pounds sterling- Lx.

  Exclamation point- Three dashes, dot.

  Colon: Ko.

  Dollar mark- Sx.

  Colon dash- Kx.

  Not code-E5. (. _ _ _)

  Parenthesis- Pn stands for first and Py for

       the second Parenthesis mark.

  Pence- D.

  Quotation marks- Qn stands for first and Qj

       for the second quotation mark.

  Quotation marks within a quotation- Qx and Qy.

  Brackets- Bx.

  Dash- Dx.

  Hyphen- Hx.

  Semicolon- Si.

  Period- Two dots, two dashes, two dots.

  Paragraph mark- Four dashes.

  Underline- Ux stands for first and Uj for the

       second underline signal.

  Colon followed by a quotation- Kq.

  Percent- Oso.


  The punctuation marks in the Universal Cod

       are as follows:






  Period- Two dots, space, two dots, space, two dots.

  Colon- Three dashes, three dots.

  Semi-colon- Dash dot, dash dot, dash dot.

  Comma- Dot dash, dot dash, dot dash.

  Exclamation- Two dashes, two dots, two dashes.

  Interrogation- Two dots, two dashes, two dots.

  Hyphen- Dash, four dots, dash,

  Apostrophe- Dot, four dashes, dot.


  Fractions in the Phillips and Morse codes are

sent by inserting the letter e between the numer-

ator and denominator, thus: Three-sixteenths-

3 . 16.

  Owing to the fact that three ciphers when quick-

ly transwmitted bear a striking resemblance to a

figure 5, it will always be better to use tnd for

thousand and myn for million when thousands or

millions are expressed after the first, second, or

third figures by ciphers exclusively, thus: 10,000

-10 tnd; 248,000,000- 248 myns.


  Hnd may also be used to advantage sometimes

to express hundreds, thus: 400- 4 hnd; 500,000

-5 hnd tnd; 300,000,000- 3 hnd myn.

  Decimals should be sent by inserting the word

"dot." thus: 0.34- 0 dot 34; 89.92- 89 dot 92.

  When an omission occurs in the copy, and the

fact is shown by the presence of asterisks, the

letter x several times repeated will indicate that

asterisks are to be inserted in the copy to be sent

out, thus: And this has been one of the results.

* * * * * * * * *  Who shall account for such

corruption- And this has been one of the results.

x x x x x x  Who shall, etc.

  In sending poetry or one or more lines of verse,

a paragraph mark (_ _ _ _) should be used at

the end of each line, thus:

  The gentleman on the other side, as it seems

to me, takes a superficial view of what has been

developed, and manifests a disposition either to

defend these obvious irregularities or content him-

self with what appears on the surface.  Unless he

corrects his methods, I fancy the poet's words,

On the primrose on the river's brim _ _ _ _

  A yellow primrose was to him _ _ _ _

  And nothing more Qj _ _ _ _





will be peculiarly applicable to my credulous col-

league in the near future, and he will discover

that he has missed an opportunity to render a

great service to the cause of common honesty.


  Beginners, both senders and receivers, should

commit all of the foregoing to memory before at-

tempting to send the cod.


  Operators essaying to learn to send the accom-

panying system of codification will achieve that

object with comparative ease by beginning, and

continuing, methodically. They should first com-

mit to memory the meaning conveyed by the single

letters, as follows:


B- B.                      P- Per.

C- See.                    Q- On the.

D- In the, or pence.       R- Are.

F- Of the.                 T- the.

G- From the.               U- You.

H- Has.                    V- Of which.

J- By which.               W- With.

K- Out of the.             X- In which.

M- More.                   Y- Year.

N- Not.                    Z- From which.


  Also a figure 4 for "where," a figure 5 for

"that the," and a figure 7 for "that is."  These

figures are expressed, as will be seen further on,

thus: Fr- four; fv- five; sv- seven.  They should

be so sent whenever they appear alone.  Occur-

ing groups, they may be sent in the usual



  The next step for the beginner is to learn the

meaning conveyed by the two-letter contractions,

among the more important of which are the fol-


Ab- About.                  Ar- Answer.

Ac- And company.            Au- Author.

Ad- Adopted.                Av- Average.

Af- After.                  Aw- At which.

Aj- Adjust.                 Ax- Ask.

Ak- Acknowledge.            Ay- Any.

Ao- At once.                Az- Applause.

Ap- Appropriate.            Bi- By.

Aq- Acquire.                Bc- Because.

O- of.                      Bd- Board.






Bf- Before.                 Dq- Discover.

Bg- Being.                  Dr- Doctor.

Bh- Both.                   Ds- Discuss.

Bj- Bound.                  Dt- Do not.

Bk- Break.                  Du-Duty.

Bl- Bill.                   Dv- Divide.

Bn- Been.                   Dw- Draw.

Bo- Baltimore.              Dx- Dash.

Bp- Bishop.                 Dz- Does.

Bq- Bequeath.               Ea- Each.

Br- British.                Ec- Ecclesiastic.

Bs- Best.                   Ed- Editor.

Bt- But.                    Ef- Effect.

Bu- Bushel.                 Eg- England.

Bv- Believe.                Eh- Either.

Bw- Be with.                Ej- Eject.

Bx- Bracket [].             Ek- Economy.

Bz- Business.               El- Elect.

Ca- Came.                   Em- Embarrass.

Cb- Celebrate.              En- Enthusiasm.

Cd- Could.                  Ep- Epoch.

Cf- Chief.                  Eq- Enquire.

Cg- Seeing.                 Er- Error.

Ch- Chicago.                Es- And.

Cj- Coroner's jury.         Eu- Europe.

Ck- Check.                  Ev- Ever.

Cm- Come.                   Ey- Every.

Cn- Can.                    Fa- Fail.

Co- County.                 Fb- Of the bill.

Cp- Constantinople.         Fc- Fiscal.

Cq- Correct.                Fd- Find.

Cr- Care.                   Fg- Following.

Cs- Case.                   Fh- Forth.

Ct- Connect.                Fi- Fire.

Cu- Current.                Fj- Found.

Cv- Cover.                  Fk- Fluctuate.

Cx- Capital letter.         Fl- Feel.

Cy- Copy.                   Fm- From.

Db- Debate.                 Fn- Fifteen.

Dc- District of Columbia    Fo- For.

Dd- Did.                    Fp- Philanthropist.

Df- Differ.                 Fq- Frequent.

Dg- Doing.                  Fr- Four.

Di- Direct.                 Fs- First.

Dk- Descibe.                Ft- For the.

Dl- Deliver.                Fu- Few.

Dm- Demand.                 Fv- Five.

Dp- Depart.                 Fw- Follow.






Fx- Fort.                   Ic- In connection.

Fz- Freeze.                 Id- Introduce.

Ga- Gave.                   Ig- Indigent.

Gb- Great Britian.          Ih- It has.

Gc- Grace.                  Ij- Injure.

Gd- Good.                   Ik- Instantly killed.

Gf- Gulf.                   Im- Immediately.

Gg- Going.                  Io- In order.

Gh- Gather.                 Ip- Improve.

Gi- Gigantic.               Iq- Inquire.

Gj- Grand jury.             Ir- Irregular.

Gk- Greek.                  Iv- In view.

Gl- Girl.                   Iw- It was.

Gm- Gentlemen.              Ix- It is.

Gn- Gone.                   Jb- Jubilee.

Gp- Group.                  Jf- Justify.

Gq- Geology.                Jg- Judge.

Gr- Ground.                 Jl- Jail.

Gs- Guess.                  Jn- Join.

Gt- Great.                  Jp- Japan.

Gu- Guard.                  Jr- Junior.

Gv- Give.                   Js- Just.

Gw- Grow.                   Jt- Joint.

Gx- Great excitement.       Ju- Jury.

Gy- Guilty.                 Jz- Juarez.

Gz- Gazette.                Kb- Contribute.

Hb- Has been.               Kc- Concentrate.

Hc- Habeas corpus.          Kd- Kind.

Hd- Had.                    Kf- Confer.

Hf- Half.                   Kg- King.

Hg- Having.                 Ki- Kill.

Hh- Has had.                Kj- Complain.

Hi- High.                   Kl- Collect.

Hk- Hook.                   Km- Communicate.

Hl- Hell.                   Kn- Known.

Hm- Him.                    Kp- Keep.

Hn- Has not.                Kr- Color.

Ho- Hold.                   Ks- Conserve.

Hp- Hope.                   Kt- Contain.

Hr- Here.                   Ku- Continue.

Hs- His.                    Kv- Convert.

Ht- Has the.                Kw- Know.

Hu- House.                  Kz- Consult.

Hv- Have.                   La- Louisiana.

Hw- How.                    Ld- London.

Hy- Henry.                  Lf- Life.

Hz- Hazard.                 Lg- Long.

Ia- Iowa.                   Lk- Like.






Lm- Low middling.           Og- Organize.

Ln- Loan.                   Oh- Ohio.

Lp- Liverpool.              Oj- Object.

Lq- Liquor.                 Om- Omit.

Lr- Lower.                  Op- Opportunity.

Lt- Lieutenant.             Oq- Occupy.

Lu- Lieu.                   Os- Oppose.

Lv- Leave.                  Ot- Owing to.

Lx- Pounds sterling.        Ow- On which.

Md- Made.                   Oz- ounce.

Mf- Manufacture.            Pa- Pennsylvanio.

Mg- Manage.                 Pb- Probable.

Mh- Much.                   Pc- Per cent.

Mk- Make.                   Pd- Paid.

Ml- Mail.                   Pe- Principle.

Mm- Mid-meridian            Pf- Prefer.

    (midnight)              Pg- Progress.

Mo- Month.                  Ph- Perhapse.

Mr- Mister.                 Pj- Prejudice.

Ms- Most.                   Pk- Particular.

Mu- Murder.                 Pm- Postmaster.

Mv- Move.                   Po- Post-office.

Mw- Meanwhile.              Pp- Postpone.

Mx- Mix.                    Pq- Postpone.

Na- Name.                   Pr- President.

Nb- Not be.                 Ps- Pass.

Nc- North Carolina.         Pt- Present.

Nd- Need.                   Pu- Public.

Ne- New England.            Pv- Priviege.

Nf- Notify.                 Pw- Power.

Ng- Negotiate.              Px- Price.

Nh- New Hampshire.          Pz- Prize.

Ni- Night.                  Qa- Qualify.

Nj- New Jersey              Qb- On the bill.

Nl- Natural.                Qc- Concur.

Nm- Nominate                Qm- Quartermaster.

No- No, and New Or-         Qp- On the part of.

    leans, La.              Qr- Quarter.

Nr- Near.                   Qu- Quiet.

Nt- North.                  Ra- Raise.

Nv- Never.                  Rb- Rob.

Nx- Next.                   Rc- Receive.

Ny- New York.               Rd- Read.

Nz- New Zealand.            Rf- Refer.

Oa- Of a.                   Rg- Regular.

Ob- Obtain.                 Rh- Reach.

Oc- O'clock.                Ri- Rhode Island.

Od- Order.                  Rj- Reject.






Rk- Recover.                Tn- Then.

Rl- Real.                   Tp- Transport.

Rm- Remain.                 Tq- The question.

Rn- Reason.                 Tr- There.

Ro- Rose.                   Ts- This.

Rp- Report.                 Tt- That.

Rq- Require.                Tw- To-morrow.

Rr- Railroad.               Tx- This is.

Rs- Resolve.                Ty- They.

Rt- Are the.                Tz- These.

Ru- Are you.                Uc- You see.

Rv- Remove.                 Uf- Unfortunate.

Rw- Are with.               Uk- Understand.

Rx- Recommend.              Ul- Usual.

Ry- Railway.                Um- Unanimous.

Rz- Result.                 Un- Until.

Sa- Senate.                 Uq- Upon the.

Sb- Subsequent.             Ur- Your.

Sc- South Carolina.         Us- United States.

Sd- Should.                 Uv- Universe.

Sf- Satisfy.                Vt- Vermont.

Sg- Signify.                Va- Virginia.

Sh- Such.                   Vb- Valuable.

Sj- Subject.                Vf- Verify.

Sk- Success.                Vk- Victor.

Sl- Sail.                   Vm- Vehement.

Sm- Some.                   Vo- Vote.

Sn- Soon.                   Vp- Vice-president.

Sp- Ship.                   Vr- Virtue.

Sq- Separate.               Vu- View.

Sr- Secure.                 Vx- Violate.

Ss- Steamship.              Vy- Very.

St- Street.                 Vz- Venezuela.

Su- Sure.                   Wa- Way.

Sv- Seven.                  Wb- Will be.

Sw- Swear.                  Wc- Welcome.

Sx- Dollar mark.            Wd- Would.

Sz- Sieze.                  Wg- Wrong.

Tb- The bill.               Wh- Which.

Td- Treasury Depart-        Wi- Will.

    ment.                   Wj- Wound.

Tf- The followig.           Wk- Week.

Tg- Thing.                  Wl- Well.

Th- Those.                  Wm- William.

Ti- Time.                   Wn- When.

Tj- The jury.               Wo- Who.

Tk- Take.                   Wp- Weep.

Tm- Them.                   Wq- Warrant.






Wr- Were.                   Xm- Extreme.

Ws- Was.                    Xn- Constitution.

Wt- What.                   Xo- Exonerate.

Wv- Waive.                  Xp- Expense.

Ww- With which.             Xr- Exercise.

Wx- Wait.                   Xs- Exist.

Wy- Why.                    Xt- Extent.

Xb- Exorbitant.             Xu- Exclude.

Xc- Excite.                 Ya- Yesterday.

Id- Exceed.                 Yf- Yellow fever.

Xg- Legislate.              Za- Sea.

Xh- Exhaust.                Zc- Section.

Xj- Explain.                Zd- Said.

Xk- Execute.                Zm- Seem.

Xl- Excel.                  Zn- Seen.


  Having familiarized himself with the foregoing,

the operator will then find it to his advantage to

apply himself to memorizing the remainder of the

two-letter, and as many as possible of the three-

letter contractions.  Amongy the latter, it will be

observed, the principal words in daily use (and

which are given, in some cases, in their briefest

form in the two-letter contractions above) are

traced in most of their numerous terminations.

Thus, for example, we have ak for "acknowledge,"

akd for "acknowledged", akg for "ackknowledging,"

etc.  The principal illustrated by this word will be

found to underlie the whole system, deviation

from the rule only occurring  when the peculiar-

ities of the Morse alphabet will not permit of

following the law, or where the addition of ', d,

g, or m would make a stem spell some word

which would fit in, without disturbing the con-

text, in the place where the word intended to be

conveyed ought to go.  Wherever the author has

foreseen, or experience in working the system has

shown, that a strict adherunce to the rule would

involve the receiver in perplexity, he has departed

therefrom, but in no other cases.

  In the very beginning of their attempts to use

the code, sending operators should first master the

single letters and as many of the double and

three-letter ones as possible.  Perfect confidence

and ease will come with practice.  In the mean-

time the operator should apply himself to learn-

inge the contractions under the various letters-

a few at a time- using them as much as possible






as he proceeds with his practice. A few weeks'

experience will serve to make the whole plan of

working very plain and clear, if a moderate

amount of thought and attention is given to the

foregoing hints, and to memorizing a few of the

contractions every day.

  The sending operator should always say "bk"

when, from any cause, he breaks down in the

middle of a word, or interrupts himself.  This

signal is easily recognized, and is of the greatest

possible assistance to the receiving operator.

Ab- About.                  Adsg- Absenting.

Abb- Abbreviate.            Abt- About the.

Abbd- Abbreviated.          Abty- Ability.

Addg- Abbreviating.         Abu- Abundant.

Abbn- Abbreviation.         Aduc- Abundance.

Abc- Absence.               Abuy- Abundantly.

Abd- Aboard.                Abv- Above.

Adg- Abiding.               Aby- Albany.

Abh- Abolish.               Ac- And Company.

Abhd-Abolished.             Aca- Academy.

Abhg- Abolishing.           Acal- Academical.

Abhn- Abolition.            Acan- Academician.

Abi- Abide.                 Acb- Acceptable.

Abj- Abject.                Acc- Account.

Abjy- Abjectly.             Accd- Accounted.

Abm- Abominate.             Accg- Accounting.

Abmd- Abominated.           Acct- Accountant.

Abmg- Abominating.          Acd- Accord.

Abml- Abominable.           Acdd- Accorded. ---*

Abmn- Abominatiion          Acg- According.

Abn- Abandon.               Acgy- Accordingly.

Abnd- Abandoned.            Ach- Achieve.

Abng- Abandoning.           Achd- Achieved.

Abnm- Abandonment.          Achg- Achieving.

Abp- Abrupt.                Achm- Achievement.

Abpns- Abruptness.          Acm- Accumulate.

Abpy- Abruptly.             Acmg- Accumulating.

Abq- Absolute.              Acmp- Accompany.

Abqy - Absolutely.          Acmpd- Accompanied.

Abr- Abrogate.              Acmpg- Accompanying.

Abrd- Abrogated.            Acn- Accumulation.

Abrg- Abrogating.           Aco- Accomodate.

Abrn- Abrogation.           Acod- Accomodated.

Abrv- Abrogative.           Acog- Accomodating.

Abs- Absent.                Acom- Accomodation.

Absd- Absented.             Acp- Accept.

Abse- Absentee.             Acpc- Acceptance.


         ---* For addition, see page 64






Acpd- Accepted.             Adl- Admiral.

Acpg- Accepting.            Adm- Admit.

Acph- Accomplish.           Admc- Admittance.

Acphd- Accomplished.        Admd- Admitted.

Acphg- Accomplishing.       Admg- Admitting.

Acphm- Accomplish           Admn- Admission.

     ment                   Adms- Admits.

Acq- Acquaint.              Adn- Addition.

Acqd- Acquainted.           Adnl- Additional.

Acqg- Acquainting.          Adp- Adopt.

Acqs- Acquaints.            Adpn- Adoption.

Acr- Accurate.              Adq- Adequate.

Acrly- Accurately.          Adqy- Adequately.

Acstm- Accustom.            Adr- Administer.

Acstmd- Accustomed.         Adrd- Administered.

Actl- Actual.               Adrg- Administering.

Actly- Actually.            Adrn- Administration.

Actn- Action.               Adrr- Administrator.

Actu- Actuate.              Adrv- Administrative.

Actud- Actuated.            Adrx- Administratrix.

Actug- Actuating.           Ads- Address.

Acu- Accuse.                Adsd- Addressed.

Acud- Accused.              Adsg- Addressing.

Acug- Accusing.             Adss- Addresses.

Acun- Accusation.           Adt- Amendment.

Acup- Acted upon.           Adts- Amendments.

Acur- Accuser.              Adu- Aduce.

Acv- Active.                Adud- Aduced.

Acvs- Activities.           Adug- Adducing.

Acvly- Actively.            Adus- Adduces.

Acvty- Activity.            Adv- Advertise

Acx- Across.                Advc- Advance.

Acy- Accuracy.              Advcd- Advanced.

Ad- Adopted.                Advcg- Advancing.

Adc- Advice.                Advcm- Advancement.

Adcs- Advices.              Adz- Advise.

Adh- Adhere.                Adzd- Advised.

Adhc- Adherence.            Adzg- Advising.

Adhd- Adhered.              Adzs- Advises.

Adhg- Adhering.             Aen- Aeronaut.

Adht- Adherent.             Aep- Aeroplane.

Adj- Adqourn.               Af- After.

Adjd- Adjourned.            Afa- Affair.

Adjg- Adjourning.           Afc- Affect.

Adjm- Adjournment.          Afed- Affected.






Afcg- Affecting.            Agrg- Agreeing.

Afcn- Affection.            Ags- Agents.

Afcny- Affectionately.      Agt- Agreed to.

Afcs- Affects.              Agu- Argue.

Afd- Afford.                Agud- Argued.

Addd- Afforded.             Agug- Arguing.

Afg- Affording.             Agum- Argument.

Afj- Affidavit.             Agup- Argeed upon.

Afjs- Affidavits.           Agv- Aggressive.

Afl- Afflict.               Agy- Agency.

Afld- Afflicted.            Ahd- Apprehend.

Aflg- Afflicting.           Ahdd- Aprehended.

Afln- Affliction.           Ahg- Apprehending.

Afls- Afflicts.             Ahn- Apprehension.

Afm- Affirm.                Ahv- Apprehensive.

Afmd- Affirmed.             Aj- Adjust.

Afmg- Affirming.            Aja- Adjacent.

Afmn- Affirmation.          Ajd- Adjusted.

Afn- Afternoon.             Ajg- Adjusting.

Afo- Aforesaid.             Ajm- Adjustment.

Afol- American Fed-         Ajn- Adjoin.

      eration of Labor.     Ajnd- Adjoined.

Afr- Affray.                Ajng- Adjoining.

Afv- Affirmative.           Ajs- Adjusts.

Afw- Afterward.             Ajt- Adjutant.

Afx- Affix.                 Ajts- Adjutants.

Afxd- Affixed.              Ak- Acknowledge.

Afxg- Affixing.             Akc- Access.

Ag- Agent.                  Akcy- Accessory.

Aga- Against.               Akd- Acknowledged.

Agb- Agreeable.             Akg- Acknowledging.

Agc- Agriculture.           Akm- Acknowledgment.

Agd- Agreed.                Aks- Acknowledges.

Agg- Aggregate.             Akt- Accident.

Aggd- Aggregated.           Aktl- Accidental.

Aggg- Aggregating.          Aktly- Accidentally.

Aggn- Aggregation.          Akts- Accidents.

Agi- Agitate.               Ala- Alabama.

Agid- Agitated.             Alb- Alberta.

Agig- Agitating.            Alc- Alcohol.

Agiv- Agitation.            Ald- Aldermen.

Agir- Agitator.             Aldm- Alderman.

Agl- Agricultural.          Alg- Along.

Aglst- Agriculturist.       Ali- Allv.

Agm- Agreement.             Alid- Allied.

Agms- Agreements.           Alis- Allies.

Agn- Again.                 Ali- Allege.

Agr- Agree.                 Aljd- Alleged.







Aljg- Alleging.             Amtd- Amounted.

Aljn- Allegation.           Amtg- Amounting.

Aljnc- Allegiance.          Amts- Amounts.

Alk- Alike.                 Amu- Amuse.

Alm- Alarm.                 Amud- Amused.

Almd- Alarmed.              Amug- Amusing.

Aln- Altercation.           Amun- Ammunition.

Alnc- Alliance.             Amx- Ambitious.

Alns- Altercations.         Amxy- Ambitiously.

Alr- Already.               Amz- Amaze.

Alt- Alternate.             Amzd- Amazed.

Altd- Alternated.           Amzg- Amazing.

Altg- Alternating.          Amzm- Amazement.

Alty- Alternately.          Amzy- Amazingly.

Alu- Allude.                Anc- Announce.

Alud- Alluded.              Ancd- Announced.

Alug- Alluding.             Ancg- Announcing.

Alun- Allusion.             Ancm- Announce-

Alv- Alternative.                ment.

Alw- Always.                Ancs- Announces.

Ama- America.               Ang- Antagonist.

Amal- Amalgamated.          Angm- Antagonism.

Amb- Ambition.              Angs- Antagonists.

Ambs- Ambitions.            Angz- Antagonize.

Amd- Amend.                 Angzd- Antagonized.

Amdd- Amended.              Angzg- Antagonizing.

Amdg- Amending.             Ank- Anarchist.

Amds- Amends.               Anky- Anarchy.

Amdy- Amendatory.           Anl- Anuual.

Amg- Among.                 Anly- Annually.

Amgst- Amongst.             Anm- Animal.

Ami- Amicable.              Anms- Animals.

Amily- Amicably.            Anr- Another.

Amk- Amuck.                 Ant- Anticipate.

Amn- American.              Antd- Anticipated.

Amns- Americans.            Antg- Anticipating.

Amp- Ample.                 Antn- Anticipation.

Ampy- Amply.                Anv- Anniversary.

Ampf- Amplify.              Anx- Anxious.

Ampfd- Amplified.           Anxty- Anxiety.

Ampfg- Amplifying.          Anxy- Anxiously.

Ampfn- Amplification.       Ao- At once.

Amr- Ambassador.            Ap- Appropriate.

Amrl- Ambassadorial.        Apa- Aport.

Amrsp- Ambassador-          Apam- Apartment.

     ship.                  Apoms- Apartments.

Amt- Amount.                Apc- Appreciate. 





Apcd- Appreciated.          Aqn- Acquisition.

Apcg- Appreciating.         Aqs- Acquires.

Apcn- Appreciation.         Aql- Acquirable.

Apcv- Appreciative.         Aqt- Acquit.

Apd- Appropriated.          Aqtd- Acquitted.

Apg- Appropriating.         Aqtg- Acquitting.

Aph- Approach.              Aqtl- Acquittal.

Aphd- Approached.           Aqts- Acquits

Aphg- Approaching.          Aqu- Acute.

Aphs- Approaches.           Aqw- Acquiesce.

Api- Apiece.                Aqwc- Aquiescence.

Apkn- Application.          Aqwd- Acquiesed.

Apl- Appeal.                Aqwg- Acquiescing.

Aplg- Appealing.            Aqy- Acutely.

Aplg- Appealing.            Aqy- Acutely.

Apln- Appelation.           Ar- Answer.

Apls- Appeals.              Ara- Arrange.

Aplt- Appelant.             Arad- Arranged.

Apm- Appointment.           Arag- Arranging.

Apms- Appointments.         Aram- Arrangement.

Apn- Appropriation.         Arb- Arbitrate.

Apns- Appropriations.       Arbd- Arbitrated.

App- Appoint.               Arbg- Arbitrating.

Appd- Appointed.            Arbm- Arbitrament.

Appg- Appointing.           Arbp- Archbishop.

Apr- Appear.                Arbr- Arbitrator.

Aprc- Appearance.           Arby- Arbitrarily.

Arpd- Appeared.             Ard- Answered.

Aprg- Appearing.            Arg- Answering.

Aps- Appropriates.          Ark- Arkansas ---*

Apt- Apporent.              Arl- Artillery.

Apty- Apporently.           Arn- Arbitration.

Apv- Approve.               Aro- Arose.

Apvd- Approved.             Arr- Arrest.

Apvg- Approving.            Arrd- Arrested.

Apvl- Approval.             Arrg- Arresting.

Apx- Approximate.           Ars- Answers.

Apxd- Approximated.         Arv- Arrive.

Apxg- Approximating.        Arvd- Arrived.

Apxn- Approximation.        Arvg- Arriving.

Apxs- Approximates.         Arvl- Arrival.

Apxy- Approximately.        Ary- Arbitrary.

Apy- Appropriately.         Arz- Arizona.

Aq- Acquire.                Asa- As soon as.

Aqc- Acquaintance.          Asb- Absorb.

Aqd- Acquired.              Asbd- Absorbed.

Aqg- Acquiring.             Asbg- Absorbing.

Aqm- Acquirement.           Asc- Ascertain.






Ascd- Ascertained.          Atks- Attacks.

Asd- Associated.            Atl- Atlantic.

Asf- As follows:  ---*      Atm- Attempt.

Asg- Ascertaining.          Atmd- Attempted.

Asi- Assist.                Atmg- Attempting.

Asic- Assistance.           Atms- Attempts.

Asid- Assisted.             Atn- Attention.

Asig- Assisting.            Atns- Attentions.

Asit- Assistant.            Atr- Attract.

Asl- Asleep.                Atrd- Attracted.

Asm- Assemble.              Atrg- Attracting.

Asmd- Assembled.            Atrn- Attraction.

Asmg- Assembling.           Atrs- Attracts.

Asmj- Assemblage.           Atrv- Attractive.

Asn- Association.           Atu- Attitude.

Aso- Also.                  Atv- Attentive.

Asp- Aspect.                Atvy- Attentively.

Asr- Assert.                Atx- Atrocious.

Asrd- Asserted.             Aty- Attorney.

Asrg- Asserting.            Atyg- Attorney-General.

Asrn- Assertion.            Au- Author.

Ast- Associate.             Aub- Auburn.

Asts- Associates.           Auc- Auction.

Asu- Assume.                Aucnr- Auctioneer.

Asud- Assumed.              Aucs- Auctions.

Asug- Assuming.             Aud- Audience.

Asun- Assumption.           Audm- Auditorium.

Asus- Assemes.              Auds- Audiences.

Asx- Assinate.              Aug- August.

Asxd- Assassinated.         Auh- Authentic.

Asxg- Assassinating.        Auhcy- Authenticity.

Asxn- Assassination.        Auhd- Autheenticated.

Asy- Assembly.              Auhg- Authenticating.

Atb- Attribute.             Auhn- Authentication.

Atbd- Attributed.           Auhs- Authenticates.

Atbg- Attributing.          Auhy- Authentiaclly.

Atc- Attendance.            Aum- Autumn.

Atd- Attend.                Aumb- Automobile.

Atdd- Attended.             Aun- Austrian.

Atds- Attends.              Aup- Auspices.

Atg- Attending.             Aupx- Auspicious.

Ath- Athlete.               Aur- Austria.

Athc- Athletic.             Aus- Austrailia.

Athcs- Atletics.            Ausn- Austrailian.

Aths- Athletes.             Aut- Adjourned until

Atk- Attack.                     to-morrow.

Atkd- Attacked.             Auv- Authoritative.

Atkg- Attacking.            Auvy- Authoritatively.







Aux- Auxiliary.             Awi- Awhile.

Auy- Authority.             Ax- Ask.

Auys- Authorities.          Axd- Asked.

Auz- Authorize.             Axg- Asking.

Auzd- Authorized.           Axn- Annexation.

Augz- Authorizing.          Ay- Any.

Auzn- Authorization.        Ayb- Anybody.

Auzs- Authorizes.           Ayg- Anything.

Av- Average.                Ayh- Anyhow.

Avb- Available.             Aym- Any more.

Avd- Averaged.              Ayo- Any other.

Ave- Avenue.                Ay4- Anywhere.

Avg- Averaging.             Az- Applause.

Avin- Aviation.             B- Be.

Avir- Aviator.              Baf- Baffle.

Avix- Aviatrix.             Bafd- Baffled.

Avk- Advocate.              Bafg- Baffling.

Avkd- Advocated.            Bafs- Baffles.

Avkg- Advocating.           Baj- Badge.

Avl- Avail.                 Bal- Balance.

Avld- Availed.              Bald- Balanced.

Avig- Availing.             Balg- Balancing.

Avls- Avails.               Bap- Baptist.

Avm- Averment.              Bas- By a score of.

Avn- Aversion.              Bc- Because.

Avo- Avoid.                 Bca- Became.

Avob- Avoidable.            Bch- Beach.

Avod- Avoided.              Bcm- Become. ---*

Avog- Avoiding.             Bd- Board.

Avos- Avoids.               Bdd- Boarded. ---*

Ayr[sic]- Aver.             Bdg- Boarding.

Avrd- Averred.              Bdl- Bundle.

Avrg- Averring.             Bdm- Bondsman.

Avrs- Avers.                Bdmn- Bondsmen.

Avs- Averages.              Bdn- Burden.

Avt- Avert.                 Bdr- Boarder.

Avtd- Averted.              Bds- Boards.

Avtg- Averting.             Bdt- Bandit.

Avts- Averts.               Bdy- Body.

Avoy- Avoidably.            Bea- Beacon.

Aw- At which.               Bef- Beef.

Awa- Away.                  Beq- Bequest.

Awd- Award.                 Bev- Beverage.

Awdd- Awarded.              Bew- Bewilder.

Awdg- Awarding.             Bf- Before.

Awds- Awards.               Bfh- Beforehand.

Awf- Awful.                 Bfl- Beautiful.

Awfy- Awfully.              Bkt- Breakfast.






Bfy- Beautifully.           Bnv- Benevolent.

Bg- Being.                  Bo- Baltimore.

Bga- Began.                 Boe- Bank of England.

Bgg- Baggage.               Boh- Board of Health.

Bgi- Begin.                 Bop- Breach of promise.

Bgig- Beginning.            Bos- Boston.

Bgm- Belgium.               Bot- Bought.

Bgn- Bargain.               Bp- Bishop.

Bgr- Burglar.               Bpc- Bishopric.

Bgt- Bright.                Bq- Bequeath.

Bug- Begun.                 Bqd- Bequeathed.

Bgy- Burglary.              Bqg- Bequeathing.

Bh- Both.                   Br- British.

Bhd- Behind.                Brc- Brilliance.

Bhf- Behalf.                Brd- Burned.

Bhv- Behave.                Brf- Brief.

Bi- By.                     Brg- Burning.

Bis- Bystander.             Bri- Brilliant.

Bit- By the.                Brk- Broke.

Bj- Bound.                  Brl- Barrel.

Bjy- Boundary.              Brm- Barometer.

Bk- Break.                  Brn- Burn.

Bkg- Breaking.              Bro- Brother.

Bkn- Broken.                Bry- Brilliantly.

Bkw- Backward.              Brz- Breeze.

Bky- Bakery.                Bs- Best.

Bl- Bill.                   Bsp- Battleship.

Bld- Build.                 Bsps- Battleships.

Blf- Belief.                Bt- But.

Blg- Building.              Btk- Betake.

Blk- Black.                 Btl- Battle.

Blm- Blame.                 Btld- Battled.

Bln- Berlin.                Btlg- Battling.

Blo- Blow.                  Btn- Between.

Blt- Built.                 Btr- Better.

Blu- Blue.                  Bts- By the score of.

Bmb- Bombard.               Bty- Battery.

Bmd- Bombarded.             Bu- Bushel.

Bmg- Bombarding.            Buf- Buffalo.

Bmt- Bombardment.           Buk- Book. ---*

Bn- Been.                   Bun- Bulletin.

Bnd- Bond.                  Buo- Bureau.

Bnf- Benefit.               Bv- Believe.

Bng- Bring.                 Bvd- Believed.

Bnh- Beneath.               Bvg- Believing.

Bnk- Bank.                  Bvs- Believes.

Bnl- Beneficial.            Bw- Be with.

Bng- Banquet.               Bwr- Beware.






Bx- Brackets [].            Cby- Celebrity.

Bxd- Boxed.                 Cbt- Cabinet.

Bxg- Boxing.                Ccd- Concluded.

Bxr- Boxer.                 Ccg- Concluding.

Bxs- Boxes.                 Ccl- Cancel.

Byd- Beyond.                Ccld- Cancelled.

Bz- Business.               Ccclg- Cancelling.

Bzl- Brazil.                Ccln- Cancellation.

Bzln- Brazilian.            Ccn- Conclusion.

C- See.                     Ccsn- Concession.

Ca- Came.                   Ccu- Conclude.

Cac- Caucus.                Cd- Could.

Cacd- Caucused.             Cda- Canada.

Cacg- Caucusing.            Cde- Concede.

Cacs- Caucuses.             Cdd- Conceded.

Cak- Contract.              Cdg- Conceding.

Cakd- Contracted.           Cdk- Contradict.

Cakg- Contracting.          Cdkd- Contadicted.

cakn- Cantraction.          Cdkg- Contradicting.

Cal- Calculate.             Cdkn- Contradiction.

Cala- California.           Cdm- Condemn.

Cald- Calculated.           Cdmd- Condemned.

Calg- Calculating.          Cdmg- Condumning.

Caln- Calculation.          Cdmn- Condemnation.

Cap- Capital.               Cdn- Canadian.

Capz- Capitalize.           Cdr- Consider.

Capzd- Capitalized.         Cdrd- Considered.

Capzg- Capitalizing.        Cdrg- Considering.

Capzn- Capitalization.      Cdrl- Considerable.

Cau- Cause. ---*            Cdrn- Consideration.

Coud- Coused.               Cdrs- Considers.

Caug- Causing.              Cdry- Considerably.

Caus- Causes.               Cdt- Credit.

Cav- Cavalry.               Cdtd- Credited.

Cax- Casualties.            Cdtg- Crediting.

Cay- Casualty.              Cdtr- Creditor.

Cb- Celebrate.              Cdy- Custody.

Cba- columbia.              Cf- Chief.

Cbd- Celebrated.            Cfc- Confidence.

Cbg- Celebrating. ---*      Cfd- Confined.

Cbi- Covered by insur-      Cfg- Confining.

     ance.                  Cfi- Confine.

Cbl- Cable.                 Cfim- Confinement.

Cbld- Cabled.               Cfk- Confiscate.

Cblg- Cabling.              Cfkd- Confiscated.

Cbls- Cables.               Cfkg- Confiscating.

Cbn- Celebration.           Cfkn- Confiscation.

Cbs- Celebrates             Cfi- Confidential.






Cfly- Confidentially.       Chp- Cheap.

Cfm- Confirm.               Chpr- Cheaper.

Cfmd- Confirmed.            Chr- Character.

Cfmg- Confirming.           Chrc- Characteristic.

Cfms- Confirms.             Chu- Choose.

Cfn -Confirmation.          Chz- Characterize.

Cfr- Chauffeur.             Chzd- Characterized.

Cft- Confident.             Chzg- Characterizing.

Cfty- Confidently.          Chzn- Characterization.

Cfu- Confuse.               Chzs- Characterizes.

Cfud- Confused.             Cic- Commander in

Cfug- Confusing.                 chief.

Cfun- Confusion.            Cin- Cincinnati.

Cfus- Confuses.             Ciq- Coroner's inquest.

Cfy- Cheifly.               Cj- Coroner's jury.

Cg- Seeing.                 Cjd- Congregated.

Cgm- Congressman.           Cjg- Congregating.

Cgmn- Congressmen.          Cjl- Congregational.

Cgn- Campaign.              Cjn- Congregation.

Cpnd- Campaigned.           Cjt- Congregate.

Cgng- Campaigning.          Cjx- Courageous.

Cgns- Campaigns.            Cjxy- Courageously.

Cgs- Congress.              Ck- Check.

Cgsl- Congressional.        Ckc- Coerce.

Ch- Chicago.                Ckl- Circle.

Cha- China.                 Ckld- Circled.

Chad- Chamber of            Cklg- Circling.

     Deputies.              Ckls- Circles.

Chc- Chance.                Ckn- Coercion.

Chcd- Chanced.              Ckt- Circuit.

Chcg- Chancing.             Cktx- Circuitous.

Chcs- Chances.              Ckv- Coercive.

Che- Chinese.               Ckx- Committed sui-

Chg- Charge.                     cide.

Chgd- Charged.              Cl- Call.

Chgg- Charging.             Cla- Class.

Chgs- Charges.              Cld- Called.

Chh- Church.                Clg- Calling.

Chj- Challenge.             Clj- College.

Chjd- Challenged.           Cljt- Collegiate.

Chjg- Challenging.          Clk- Clerk.

Chjr- Challenger.           Clm- Claim.

Chjs- Challenges.           Clmd- Claimed.

Chk- Cheek.                 Clmg- Claiming.

Chm- Chairman.              Clms- Claims.

Chmn- Chairmen.             Clo- Close.

Chn- Children.              Clod- Closed.

Cho- Chose.                 Clog- Closing.








Clos- Closes.               Cncg- Concerning.

Clr- Clear.                 Cncs- Concerns.

Clrd- Cleared.              Cnd- Condition.

Clrg- Clearing.             Cnds- Conditions.

Cls- Calls.                 Cnf- Confess.

Cly- Clearly.               Cnfd- Confessed.

Cm- Come.                   Cnfg- Confessing.

Cmb- Combine.               Cnfn- Confession.

Cmbd- Combined.             Cnfs- Confesses.

Cmbg- Combining.            Cng- Change.

Cmbs- Combines.             Cngd- Changed.

Cmc- Commerce.              Cngd- Changing.

Cmcd- Commenced.            Cngs- Changes.

Cmcg- Commencing.           Cnl- Control.

Cmcm- Commencement.         Cnld- Controlled.

Cmd- Command.               Cnlg- Controlling.

Cmdd- Commanded.            Cnls- Controls.

Cmdg- Commanding.           Cnq- Conquer.

Cmds- Commands.             Cnqd- Conquered.

Cmf- Comfort.               Cnqg- Conquering.

Cmfd- Comforted.            Cnqr- Conqueror.

Cmfg- Comforting.           Cnqs- Conguers.

Cmfl- Comfortable.          Cnr- Controller.

Cmfs- Comforts.             Cnv- Convene.

Cmg- Coming.                Cnvd- Convened.

Cml- Commercial.            Cnvg- Convening.

Cmly- Commercially.         Cnvs- Convenes.

Cmm- Commission.            Cnx- Connsolidate.

Cmmd- Commissioned.         Cnxd- Consolidated.

Cmmg- Commissioning.        Cnxg- Consolidating.

Cmms- Commissions.          Cnxn- Consolidation.

Cmn- Combination.           Cnxs- Consolidates.

Cmp- Company.               Co- County.

Cmps- Companies.            Coc- Chamber of Com-

Cmr- Commissioner.               merce.

Cmrc- Commerce.             Cof- Coffee.

Cmt- Commit.                Coi- Court of inquiry.

Cmtd- Committed.            Coj- County jail.

Cmtg- Committing.           Col- Colonel.

Cmtm- Commitment.           Com- Committee.

Cmts- Commits.              Comm- Committeeman.

Cmw- Commwealth             Comn- Committeemen.

Cmx- Circumstance.          Con- Convention.

Cmxd- Circumstanced         Cop- Cheif of police.

Cmxl- Circumstantial.       Coq- Coroner.

Cmxs- Circumstances.        Cot- Cotton.

Cnc- Concern.               Cou- Country.

Cncd- Concerned.            Cous- Countries.






Cow- Committee of the       Cqt- Consequent.

     whole.                 Cqty- Consequently,

Coz- Cousin.                Cqy- Correctly.

Cp- Constantinople.         Cr- Care.

Cpa- Capacity.              Crc- Circulate.

Cpb- Capable.               Crcd- Circulated.

Cpc- Compliance.            Crcg- Circulating.

Cpd- Captured.              Crcn- Circulation.

Cpe- Catastrophe.           Crcr- Circular.

Cpg- Capturing.             Crcs- Circulates.

Cpk- Complicate.            Crd- Cared.

Cpkd- Complicated.          Crf- Careful.

Cpkg- Complicating.         Crg- Caring.

Cpkn- Complication.         Crj- Carriage.

Cpm- Compromise.            Crm- Ceremony.

Cpmd- Compromised.          Crmx- Ceremonious.

Cpmg- Compromising.         Crmxy- Ceremoniously.

Cpms- Compromises.          Crn- Certain.

Cpn- Captain.               Crny- Certainly.

Cpo- Compose.               Crp- Correspond.

Cpod- Composed.             Crpd- Corresponded.

Cpog- Composing.            Crpg- Corresponding.

Cpon- Composition.          Crpn- Corporation.

Cpos- Composes.             Crpt- Correspondent.

Cpr- Capture.               Crs- Cares.

Cpt- Complete.              Crt- Court.

Cptd- Completed.            Cru- Crew.

Cptg- Completing.           Cs- Case.

Cptn- Completion.           Csh- Cash.

Cpts- Completes.            Cshd- Cashed.

Cpu- Compute.               Cshg- Cashing.

Cpud- Computed.             Cshr- Cashier.

Cpug- Computing.            Csi- Consist.

Cpun- Computation.          Csid- Consisted.

Cpus- Computes.             Csig- Consisting.

Cpv- Captive.               Csis- Consists.

Cpvy- Captivity.            Csit- Consistent.

Cpy- Comply.                Csl- Counsel.

Cpz- Capsize.               Csm- Custom.

Cpzd- Capsized.             Csn- Cession.

Cpzg- Capsizing.            Csp- Championship.

Cpzs- Capsizes.             Csr- Customer.

Cq- Correct.                Css- Cases.

Cqc- Consequence.           Cst- Contest.

Cqd- Corrected.             Cstd- Contested.

Cqg- Correcting.            Cstg- Contesting.

Cqn- Correction.            Csts- Contests.

Cqs- Corrects.              Csu- Consume.






Csud- Consumed.             Czn- Citizen.

Csug- Consuming.            Cznsp- Citizenship

Csun- Consumption.          D- in the, or pence.

Csuv- Consumptive.          Das- Days. ---*

Csy- Customary.             Dau- Daughter.

Ct- Connect.                Db- Debate.

Ctd- Connected.             Dbd- Debated.

Ctf- Certificate.           Dbf- Destroyed by fire.

Ctfn- Certification.        Dbg- Debating.

Ctg- Connecting.            Dbl- Debatable.

Ctm- Contempt.              Dbr- Debater.

Ctmb- Contemptible.         Dbs- Debates.

Ctn- Connection.            Dbt- Doubt.

Cts- Connects.              Dc- District of Colum-

Cty- City.                        bia.

Ctz- Criticize.             Dca- Decay.

Ctzd- Criticized.           Dcad- Decayed.

Ctzg- Criticizing.          Dcag- Decaying.

Ctzm- Criticism.            Dcd- Decide.

Ctzs- Criticizes.           Dcdd- Decided.

Cu- Current.                Dcds- Decides.

Cuj- Courage.               Dcg- Deciding.

Cul- Culminate.             Dcl- Declare.

Culd- Culminated.           Dcld- Declared.

Culg- Culminating.          Dclg- Declaring.

Culn- Culmination.          Dcln- Declaration.

Culs- Culminates.           Dcls- Declares.

Cur- Currency.              Dcn- Decision.

Cus- Currents.              Dcr- December.

Cuy- Currently.             Dcs- Decease.

Cv- Cover.                  Dcsd- Deceased.

Cvc- Convenience.           Dct- District court.

Cvd- Covered.               Dcv- Decisive.

Cvg- Covering.              Dd- Did.

Cvl- Civil.                 Ddc- Deduct.

Cvk- Convoke.               Ddcd- Deducted.

Cvkd- Convoked.             Ddcg- Deducting.

Cvkg- Convoking.            Ddcn- Deduction.

Cvks- Convokes.             Ddu- Deduce. ---*

Cvn- Civilization.          Ddud- Deduced.

Cvt- Convenient.            Ddug- Deducing.

Cvy- Conveniently.          Ddus- Deduces.

Cvz- Civilize.              Dduv- Deductive.

Cvzd- Civilized.            Dea- Deacon.

Cvzg- Civilizing.           Deb- Debris.

Cy- Copy.                   Dec- Decrease.

Cx- Capital letter.         Decd- Decreased.

Cxy- Consecutive.           Decg- Decreasing.







Decs- Decreases.            Dgh- Distinguish.

Ded- Dead.                  Dghd- Distinguished.

Def- Defeat.                Dghg- Distinguishing.

Defd- Defeated.             Dgt- Draught.

Defg- Defeating.            Dh- Deadhead. ---*

Defs- Defeats.              Di- Direct.

Deft- Definite.             Dia- Diamond.

Defty- Definitely.          Dif- Difficult.

Deg- Degree.                Difs- Difficulties.

Degs- Degrees.              Dify- Difficulty.

Del- Delegate.              Dig- Directing.

Dela- Delaware.             Din- Direction.

Deln- Delegation.           Dir- Director.

Dels- Delegates.            Dis- Directs.

Dem- Democrat.              Div- Dividend.

Demc- Democratic.           Divs- Dividends.

Demy- Democracy.            Diz- Disease.

Dep- Deputy.                Dizd- Diseased.

Deps- Deputies.             Dizs- Diseases.

Depz- Deputize.             Dj- Deject.

*Des- Despatch, or          Djd- Dejected.

      dispatch.             Djn- Dejection.

Det- Debt.                  Dk- Describe.

Df- Differ.                 Dkd- Described.

Dfc- Difference.            Dkg- Describing.

Dfd- Differed.              Dkm- Discriminate.

Dfdt- Defendant.            Dkmd- Discriminated.

Dfg- Differing.             Dkmg- Discriminating.

Dfi- Deficient.             Dkmn- Discrimination.

Dfm- Defame.                Dkms- Discriminates.

Dfmd- Defamed.              Dkn- Description.

Dfmg- Defaming.             Dl- Deliver.

Dfmn- Defamation.           Dla- Delay.

Dfn- Definition.            Dlad- Delayed.

Dfr- Defer.                 Dlag- Delaying.

Dfrd- Deferred.             Dlas- Delays.

Dfrg- Deferring.            Dlb- Deliberate.

Dfs- Differs.               Dlbd- Deliberated.

Dft- Different.             Dlbg- Deliberating.

Dfty- Differently.          Dlbn- Deliberation.

Dfv- Defective.             Dlby- Deliberately.

Dfy- Deficiency.            Dld- Delivered.

Dg- Doing.                  Dlg- Delivering.


  *The receiver may determine whether despatch

or despatch is meant; the former meaning to for-

ward concretely; e. g., to "despatch an army";

"despatch a messenger," and the latter meaning

to send abstractly: "dispatch a telegram."







Dlq- Delinquent.            Dpd- Departed.

Dlqy- Delinquency.          Dpg- Departing.

Dls- Delivers.              Dpk- Depict.

Dly- Delivery.              Dpkd- Depicted.

Dm- Demand.                 Dpkg- Depicting.

Dmc- Domestic.              Dpl- Disposal.

Dmd- Demanded.              Dpm- Department.

Dmg- Demanding.             Dpms- Departments.

Dmh- Diminish.              Dpn- Disposition.

Dmhd- Diminished.           Dpo- Dispose.

Dmhg- Diminishing.          Dpod- Disposed.

Dmhs- Diminishes.           Dpog- Disposing.

Dmlh- Demolish.             Dpr- Departure.

Dmn- Demonstration.         Dps- Departs.

Dms- Demands.               Dpt- Diplomat.

Dmt- Demonstrate.           Dpv- Deprive.

Dmtd- Demonstrated.         Dpy- Diplomacy.

Dmtg- Demonstrating.        Dq- Discover.

Dmtr- Demonstrator.         Dqc- Divorce.

Dmz- Demoralize.            Dqcd- Divorced.

Dmzd- Demoralized.          Dqce- Divorcee.

Dmzg- Demoralizing.         Dpcg- Divorcing.

Dmzn- Demoralization.       Dqd- Discovered.

Dn- ? (Interrogation).      Dqg- Discovering.

Dnc- Denounce.              Dqn- Drown.

Dncd- Denounced.            Dqr- Discoverer.

Dncg- Denouncing.           Dqs- Discovers.

Dncn- Dunuciation.          Dqy- Discovery.

Dng- Danger.                Dr- Doctor.

Dngs- Dangers.              Drd- Doctored.

Dngx- Dangerous.            Drf- Draft.

Dnl- Denial.                Drfs- Drafts.

Dnm- Denomination.          Drg- Doctoring.

Dnr- Dinner.                Drl- Dreadful.

Doa - Department of         Drs- Doctors.

      Agriculture.          Ds- Discuss.

Doc- Document.              Dsb- Disturb.

Docs- Documents.            Dsbc- Disturbance.

Docy- Documentary.          Dsbd- Disturbed.

Doj- Department of          Dsbg- Disturbing.

     Justice.               Dsc- Distance.

Dol- Dollar.                Dsd- Discussed.

Dols- Dollars.              Dsg- Discussing.

Dom- Dominion.              Dsi- Desist.

Dos- Department of          Dsl- Dissolve.

     State.                 Dsld- Dissolved.

Dp- Depart.                 Dslg- Dissolving.

Dpc- Diplomatic.            Dsln- Dissolution.






Dns- Discussion.            Dvd- Divided.

Dsp- Desperate.             Dvg- Dividing.

Despn- Desperation.         Dvn- Division.

Dsr- Desire.                Dvo- Devote.

Dsrd- Desired.              Dvod- Devoted.

Dsrg- Desiring.             Dvog- Devoting.

Dss- Discusses.             Dvon- Devotion.

Dst- Disaster.              Dvp- Develop.

Dsv- Deserve.               Dvpd- Developed.

Dsx- Disastrous.            Dvpg- Developing.

Dsy- Destroy.               Dvpm- Development.

Dsyd- Destroyed.            Dvr- Devour.

Dsyg- Destroying.           Dvrd- Devoured.

Dt- Do not.                 Dvrg- Devouring.

Dtb- Distribute.            Dvs- Divides.

Dtbd- Distributed.          Dvt- Divert.

Dtbg- Distributing.         Dvtd- Diverted.

Dtbn- Distribution.         Dvtg- Diverting.

Dtf- Doubtful.              Dvts- Diverts.

Dth- Death.                 Dw- Draw.

Dtm- Determine.             Dwf- Dwarf.

Dtmd- Determined.           Dwg- Drawing.

Dtmg- Determining.          Dwl- Dwell.

Dtn- Determination.        *Dwn- Drawn.

Dtr- Detract.               Dwr- Drawer.

Dtrd- Detracted.            Dws- Draws.

Dtrg- Detracting.           Dx- (Dash).

Dtv- Detective.             Dxn- Destruction.

Dtvs- Detectives.           Dxv- Destructive.

Du- Duty.                   Dny- Dynamite.

Dub- Double.                Dz- Does.

Dubd- Doubled.              Ea- Each.

Dubg- Doubling.             Ebd- Embezzled.

Dup- Duplicate.             Ebg- Embezzling.

Dupd- Duplicated.           Ebm- Embezzlement.

Dupg- Duplicating.          Ebr- Embezzler.

Dupn- Duplication.          Ebz- Embezzle.

Dups- Duplicates.           Ec- Ecclesiastic.

Dur- During.                Ecj- Encourage.

Dus- Duties.                Ecjn- Encouragement.

Dv- Divide.                 Eck- Eccentric.

Dva- Devastate.             Ecl- Ecclasiastical.

Dvad- Devastated.           Ed- Editor.

Dvag- Devastating.          Edd- Edited.

Dvan- Devastation.          Edf- Edify.

Dvc- Device.                Edg- Editing.


*Spell out "down."






Edl- Editorial.             Ehy- Either year.

Edn- Education.             Ehz- Either from

Ednl- Educational.               which.

Edt- Edit.                  Ej- Eject.

Edu- Educate.               Eja- Ejaculate.

Edud- Educated.             Ejad- Ejaculated.

Edug- Educating.            Ejag- Ejaculating.

Edv- Endeavor.              Ejan- Ejaculation.

Edvd- Endeavored.           Ejd- Ejected.

Edvg- Endeavoring.          Ejg- Ejecting.

Edw- Edward.                Ejm- Ejectment.

Ef- Effect.                 Ejn- Ejection.

Efd- Effected.              Ejo- Enjoy.

Efg- Effecting.             Ejod- Enjoyed.

Efi- Efficient.             Ejog- Enjoying.

Efl- Effectual.             Ejom- Enjoyment.

Efly- Effectually.          Ejs- Ejects.

Efm- Effeminate.            Ek- Economy.

Efo- Effort.                Ekc- Economic.

Efos- Efforts.              Ekl- Economical.

Efs- Effects.               Eks- Economics.

Efs- Effects.               Eks- Economics.

Efv- Effective.             Ekz- Economize.

Efvy- Effectively.          El- Elect.

Efy- Efficiency.            Elc- Electric.

Eg- England.                Elcl- Electrical.

Ega- Engage.                Elcn- Electrician.

Egad- Engaged.              Elcy- Electrically.

Egag- Engaging.             Elcu- Electrocute.

Egam- Engagement.           Elcud- Electrocuted.

Egh- English.               Elcug- Electrocuting.

Egm- Englishman.            Elcum- EElectrocution.

Egn- Englishmen.            Elb- Elaborate.

Egp- Egypt.                 Elbn- Elaboration.

Egr- Eager.                 Eld- Elected.

Egy- Eagerly.               Elg- electing.

Eh- Either.                 Elj- Elligible.

Ehb- Either be.             Eljy- Eligibility.

Ehd- Either in the.         Elm- Eliminate.

Ehf- Either of the.         Elmd- Eliminated.

Ehg- Either from the.       Elmg- Eliminating.

Eho- Either of.             Elmn- Elimination.

Ehq- Either on the.         Eln- Election.

Ehr- Either are.            Elo- Elope.

Eht- Either the.            Elod- Eloped.

Ehu- Either you.            Elog- Eloping.

Ehv- Either of which.       Elom- Elopment.

Ehw- Either with.           Elq- Eloquent.

Ehx- Either in which.       Elqc- Eloquence.






Elqy- Eloquently.           Enj- Enjoin.

Elr- Elector.               Enjd- Enjoined.

Els- Elects.                Enjng- Enjoining.

Elt- Element.               Enjm- Enjoyment.

Elts- Elements.             Enm- Entertainment.

Elty- Elementary.           Eno- Enormous.

Elu- Elude.                 Enoy- Enormously.

Elv- Elective.              Enr- Enter.

En4- Elsewhere.             Enrd- Entered.

Em- Embarrass.              Enrg- Entering.

Ebm- Embrace.               Ent- Entertain.

Embd- Embraced.             Entd- Entertained.

Embg- Embracing.            Entg- Entertaining.

Embt- Embracement.          Enu- Enumerate.

Emc- Emphatic.              Enud- Enumerated.

Ency- Emphatically.         Enug- Enumerating.

Emd- Embarrassed.           Enun- Enumeration.

Emg- Embarrassing.          Env- Envelope.

Emi- Emigrate.              Envd- Enveloped.

Emid- Emigrated.            Envg- Enveloping.

Emig- Emigrating.           Envm- Envelopment.

Emj- Emergent.              Eny- Enthusiastically.

Emjy- Emergency.            Enz- Enterprise.

Emm- Emigration.            Enzg- Enterprizing.

Emo- Emotion.               Epd- Employed.

Emp- Empty.                 Epg- Employing.

Empd- Emptied.              Epe- Employe[sic].

Empg- Emptying.             Epl- Episcopal.

Emt- Embarrassment.         Epm- Employment.

Emy- Embody.                Epn- Episcopalian.

Emyd- Embodied.             Epr- Employer.

Emyg- Embodying.            Epy- Employ.

Emym- Embodyment.           Eq- Enquire.

Emz- Emphasize.             Eqb- Equable.

Emzd- Emphasized.           Eqd- Equalled.

Emzg- Emphasizing.          Eqg- Equaling.

En- Enthusiasm.             Eqk- Earthquake.

Enn- Enable.                Eql- Equal.

Enc- Enthusiastic.          Eqls- Equals.

Enf- Enforce.               Eqm- Equipment.

Enfd- Enforced.             Eqp- Equip.

Enfg- Enforcing.            Eqps- Enquires.

Enfm- Enforcement.          Eqv- Equivalent.

Eng- Engine.                Eqy- Equiry.

Engr- Engineer.             Eqz- Equalize.

Engrd- Engineered.          Eqzd- Equalized.

Engrg- Engineering.         Eqrg- Equalizing.

Enh- Enough.                Eqrn- Equalization.






Er- Error.                  Exbd- Exhibited.

Ers- Errors.                Exbg- Exhibiting.

Erx- Erroneous.             Exbn- Exhibition.

Erxy- Erroneously.          Exc- Excess.

Es- And.                    Exd- Expected.

Esb- Establish.             Exg- Exchange.

Esbd- Established.          Exk- Expect.

Esbg- Establishing.         Exkg- Expecting.

Esbs- Establishes.          Exkn- Expectation.

Esc- And so forth.          Exm- Examine.

Esd- And in the.            Exmd- Examined.

Esk- Escape.                Exmg- Examining.

Eskd- Escaped.              Exn- Examination.

Eskg- Escaping.             Exp- Express.

Eskm- Escapement.           Expd- Expressed.

Esl- Essential.             Expg- Expressing.

Esls- Essentials.           Expn- Expression.

Esly- Essentially.          Exq- Excuse.

Esm- Establishment.         Exqd- Excused.

Esp- Especial.              Exqg- Excusing.

Espy- Especially.           Exgs- Excuses.

Esq- Esquire.               Exr- Examiner.

Esr- And are.               Exrs- Examiners.

Est- And the.               Exv- Excessive.

Etc- Etcetera.              Ey- Every.

Etd- Estimated.             Eyb- Everybody.

Etg- Estimating.            Eyg- Everything.

Etm- Estimate.              Ey4-Everywhere.

Etn- Estimation.            F- Of the.

Eu- Europe.                 Fa- Fail.

Eun- European.              Fab- Fabric.

Ev- Ever.                   Fac- Fact.

Eva- Evade.                 Facn- Faction.

Evad- Evaded.               Facr- Factor.

Evag- Evading.              Fad- Failed.

Evan- Evasion.              Fag- Failing.

Evc- Evidence.              Fam- Family.

Evcd- Evidenced.            Fap- Filed a petition.

Evcg- Evidencing.           Fapib- Filed a petition

Evg- Evening.                     in bankrutcy.

Evk- Evoke.                 Fas- Fails.

Evkd- Evoked.               Fau- Failure.

Evkg- Evoking.              Fav- Favor.

Evm- Evermore.              Fax- Facts.

Evn- Even.                  Fb- Of the bill.

Evt- Evident.               Fbl- Favorable.

Exa- Extra.                 Fbo- Fire broke out.

Exb- Exhibit.               Fbx- Fabulous.






Fc- Fiscal.                 Fjd- Founded.

Fcd- Financed.              Fjg- Founding.

Fcg- Financing.             Fjn- Foundation.

Fce- Finance.               Fjr- Founder.

Fch- French.                Fjy- Foundry.

Fcl- Financial.             Fk- Fluctuate.

Fcly- Financially.          Fkd- Fluctuated.

Fcr- Financier.             Fkg- Fluctuating.

Fcs- Finances.              Fkn- Fluctuation.

Fd- Find.                   Fks- Fuuctuates.

Fdc- Federal Court.         Fkx- Fictitious.

Fdd- Federated.             Fky- Factory.

Fdg- Finding.               Fl- Feel.

Fdl- Federal.               Fla- Flame.

Fdm- Fundamental.           Flas- Flames.

Fdn- Federation.            Fld- Field.

Fdr- Finder.                Fldd- Fielded.

Fds- Finds.                 Fldg- Fielding.

Fea- Feather.               Flds- Fields.

Feb- February.              Flg- Feeling.

Fem- Feminine.              Flh- Flourish.

Fev- Fever.                 Flhd- Flourished.

Ffj- Fugitive from jus-     Flhg- Flourishing.

     tice.                  Flhs- Flourishes.

Ffr- Philosopher.           Flo- Flow.

Ffy- Philosophy.            Flod- Flowed.

Fg- Following.              Flog- Flowing.

Fgh- Photograph.            Flos- Flows.

Fghd- Photographed.         Fls- Feels.

Fghg- Photographing.        Flz- Fertilize.

Fghr- Photographer.         Flzd- Fertilized.

Fgm- Fragment.              Flzg- Fertilizing.

Fgms- Fragments.            Flzr- Fertilizer.

Fgmy- Fragmentary.          Fm- From.

Fgn- Foreign.               Fmd- Formed.

Fgnr- Foreigner.            Fmg- Forming.

Fgo- Following order.       Fml- Formal.

Fgr- Figure.                Fmly- Formally.

Fgd- Figured.               Fmn- Formation.

Fgg- Figuring.              Fmr- Former.

Fh- Forth.                  Fmy- Formerly.

Fhr- Further. ---*          Fmx- Famous.

Fhw- Forthwith.             Fn- Fifteen.

Fi- Fire.                   Fna- Fanatic.

Fid- Fired.                 Fnc- France.

Fig- Firing.                Fnd- Friend.

Fin- Finish.                Fndsp- Friendship.

Fj- Found.                  Fnh- Furnish.






Fnhd- Furnished.            Ftm- For the murder.

Fnhg- Furnishing.           Ftp- For the purpose.

Fnhs- Furnishes.            Ftu -Feature.

Fnk- Frank.                 Fty- Fatally.

Fnl- Funeral.               Fu- Few.

Fnt- Front.                 Fug- Fugitive.

Fny- Funny.                 Fui- Fully insured.

Fnz- Frenzy.                Fut- Future.

Fo- For.                    Fv- Five.

Foj- Fourth of July.        Fvh- Fifth.

Fot- Fought.                Fvt- Favorite.

Fou- Fourteen.              Fw- Follow.

Fp- Philanthropist.         Fwd- Followed.

Fpc- Philanthropic.         Fx- Fort.

Fpy- Philanthropy.          Fxd- Fixed.

Fq- Frequent.               Fxg- Fixing.

Fqd- Frequented.            Fxn- Fortification.

Fqg- Frequenting.           Fxs- Forts.

Fqs- Frequents.             Fxy- Fortify.

Fqy- Frequently.            Fym- Furthermore.

Fr- Four.                   Fyn- Fortune.

Frc- Force.                 Fyt- Fortunate.

Frcd- Forced.               Fz- Freeze.

Frcg- Forcing.              Fzn- Frozen.

Frd- Fraud.                 G- From the.

Frdt- Fraudulent.           Ga- Gave.

Frh- Fourth.                Gad- Guaranteed.

Fri- Friday.                Gag- Guaranteeing.

Frl- Fearful.               Gal- Gallon.

Frm- Form.                  Gals- Gallon.

Frn- Forenoon.              Gar- Guarantee.

Frt- Freight.               Gau- Gauge.

Frv- Forever.               Gay- Guaranty.

Frw- Forward.               Gb- Great Britian.

Frwd- Forwarded.            Gc- Grace.

Frwg- Forwarding.           Gcl- Graceful.

Frws- Forwards.             Gcx- Gracious.

Frx- Furious.               Gcy- Gracefully.

Fs- First.                  Gd- Good.

Fsd- Finished.              Gds- Goods.

Ft- For the.                Gen- General.

Ftb- For the bill.          Gens- Generals.

Ftl- Fatal.                 Geny- Generally.


  Use "fr" for "four" and say "4" for "where,"

except in groups.  "fx" for "fort."

  Spell out "fix."






Ger- German.                Gom- Gulf of Mexico.

Gery- Germany.              Gov- Governor.

Gf- Gulf.                   Gp- Group.

Gfd- Gratified.             Gpd- Grouped.

Gfg- Gratifying.            Gpg- Grouping.

Gfn- Gratification.         Gps- Groups.

Gfy- Gratify.               Gq- Geology.

Gg- Going.                  Gql- Geological.

Gh- Gather.                 Gqt- Geologist.

Ghd- Gathered.              Gr- Ground.

Ghg- Gathering.             Grd- Grounded.

Ghs- Gathters.              Grf- Greif.

Gi- Gigantic.               Grg- Grounding.

Gj- Grand Jury.             Grn- Grain.

Gk- Greek.                  Grs- Grounds.

Gks- Greeks.                Grv- Greive.

Gl- Girl.                   Grvd- Grieved.

Glc- Glance.                Grvg- Grieving.

Glcd- Glanced.              Gs- Guess.

Glcg- Glancing.             Gsd- Guessed.

Gld- Gold.                  Gsg- Guessing.

Glm- Gleam.                 Gsp- Gossip.

Glmd- Gleamed.              Gspd- Gossipped.

Glmg- Gleaming.             Gspg- Gossipping.

Glms- Gleams.               Gt- Great.

Gln- Glean.                 Gtg----Getting.

Glnd- Gleaned.              Gtr- Greater.

Glng- Gleaning.             Gty- Greatly.

Glns- Gleans.               Gu- Guard.

Gls- Girls.                 Gubl- Guernatorial.

Glv- Glove.                 Gud- Guarded.

Glvs- Gloves.               Gug- Guarding.

Glx- Glorious.              Gus- Guards.

Gm- Gentleman.              Gv- Give.

Gmn- Gentlemen.             Gvc- Grievance.

Gms- Gentleman's            Gvg- Giving.

Gmy- Gentlemanly.           Gvn- Given.

Gn- Gone.                   Gvt- Government.

Gnd- Grand.                 Gw- Grow.

Gni- Good night.            Gwg- Growing.

Gno- Gave notice.           Gwh- Growth.

Gnt- Grant.                 Gwn- Grown.

Gntd- Granted.              Gws- Grows.

Gntg- Granting.             Gx- Great excitement.

Gnts- Grants.               Gy- Guilty.

Gnx- Generous.              Gz- Gazette.

Gnxy- Generously.           Gzd- Gazetted.

Goh- Guest of honor.        Gzr- Gazetteer[sic].






H- Has.                     Hnd- Hundred.

Hag- Haggle.                Ho- Hold.

Hagd- Haggled.              Hog- Holding.

Hagg- Haggling.             Hom- Home.

Hags- Haggles.              Homs- Homes.

Hap- Happy.                 Hon- Honorable.

Hb- Has been.               Hor- Holder.

Hbr- Harbor.                Hos- Holds.

Hbrd- Harbored.             Hox- Hostilities.

Hbrg- Harboring.            Hoy- Hostility.

Hbrs- Harbors.              Hp- Hope.

Hc- Habeas corpus.          Hpd- Hoped.

Hd- Had.                    Hpf- Hopeful.

Hdb- Had been.              Hpg- Hoping.

Hed- Head.                  Hpl- Hopeless.

Hes- Hesitate.              Hpn- Happen.

Hesd- Hesitated.            Hpnd- Happened.

Hesn- Hesitation.           Hpns- Happens.

Hf- Half.                   Hps- Hopes.

Hg- Having.                 Hqrs- Headquarters.

Hgb- Having been.           *Hr- Here.

Hh- Has had.                Hrd- Heard.

Hhd- Hogshead.              Hrf- Heretofore.

Hi- High.                   Hrg- Hearing.

Hib- Hibernian.             Hrl- Hurl.

Hin- Hinder.                Hrld- Hurled.

Hir- Higher.                Hrlg- Hurling.

Hk- Hook.                   Hrm- Harm.

Hkd- Hooked.                Hrmd- Harmed.

Hkg- Hooking.               Hrmg- Harming.

Hkn- Hurricane.             Hrms- Harms.

Hkp- Handicap.              Hrt- Hurt.

Hks- Hooks.                 Hrtg- Hurting.

Hl- Hell.                   Hrv- Harvest.

Hlh- Health.                Hrvd- Harvested.

Hlp- Help.                  Hrvg- Harvesting.

Helpd- Helped.              Hrvr- Harvester.

Hlpg- Helping.              Hrvs- Harvests.

Hly- Healthy.               Hrw- Herewith.

Hm- Him.                    Hry- Hurry.

Hmx- Harmonious.            Hs- His.

Hmy- Harmony.               Hsb- Husband.

Hn- Has not.                Hsf- Himself.

Hnb- Has not been.          Hsp- Hospital.

Hnc- Hence.                Ht- Has the.


  *Spell out "hear."






Htl- Hotel.                 Ict- Inconvenient.

Hu- House.                  Icu- Include.

Hub- House bill.            Icud- Included.

Huc- House committee.       Icug- Including.

Hud- Hudson.                Icun- Inclusion.

Hul- House of Lords.        Icus- Includes.

Huq- House of Com-          Icv- Inconvenience.

     mons.  ---*            Icw- In connection

Hur- House of Rep-               with.

     resentatives.          Id- Introduce.

Hv- Have.                      Ida- Idaho.

Hvb- Have been.             Idc- Induct.

Hvnb- Have not been.        Idcd- Inducted.

Hvk- Havoc.                 Idcg- Inducting.

Hvr- However.               Idcn- Induction.

Hvu- Have you.              Idd- Introduced.

Hvy- Heavy.                 Idf- Identify.

Hw- How.                    Idfd- Identified.

Hx- Hyphen.                 Idfg- Identifying.

Hy- Henry.                  Idfn- Identification.

Hz- Hazard.                 Idg- Introducing.

Hzd- Hazarded.              Idm- Indictment.

Hzg- Hazarding.             Idn- Introduction.

Hzx- Hazardous.             Idt- Indict.

Ia- Iowa.                   Idtd- Indicted.

Iab- Introduced a bill.     Idtg- Indicting.

Ian- Indian.                Idty- Identify.

Iar- Introduced a reso-     Idu- Induce.

      lution.               Idud- Induced.

Iat- In addition to.        Idug- Inducing.

Iaw- In accordance          Idum- Inducement.

      with.                 Idy- Introductory.

Ibo- In behalf of.          Ifc- Inference.

Ic- In connection.          Ifd- Informed.

Icc- Interstate Com-        Ifg- Informing.

      merce Commis-         Ifl- Informal.

          sion.                 Ifm- Inform.

Icg- In concluding.         Ifn- Information.

Icj- Intercollegiate.       Ifo- In favor of.

Icm- Income.                Ifq- Infrequent.

Icmg- Incoming.             Ifqy- Infrequently.

Icms- Incomes.              Ifr- Infer.

Icn- In conclusion.         Ift- Inflict.

Icp- Incorporate.           Iftd- Inflicted.

Icpd- Incorporated.         Iftg- Inflicting.

Icpg- Incorparating.        Iftn- Infliction.

Icpn- Incorporation.        Ifts- Inflicts.






Ify- Infantry.              Imn- Immigration.

Ig- Indignant.              Imnt- Imminent.

Igc- Ignorance.             Imp- Import.

Igl- Illegal.               Impd- Imported.

Ign- Indignation.           Impg- Importing.

Igt- Ignorant.              Impn- Importation.

Igy- Indignantly.           Imps- Imports.

Ih- It has.                 Imt- Immediate.

Iho- In honor of.           Imv- Imaginative.

Ij- Injure.                 Ina- Initiate.

Ijc- Intelligence.          Inad- Initiated.

Ijd- Injured.               Inag- Initiating.

Ijg- Injuring.              Inav- Initiative.

Ijn- Injunction.            Inas- Initiates.

Ijs- Injures.               Inc- Increase.

Ijt- Intelligent.           Incd- Incresed.

Ijx- Injurious.             Incg- Increasing.

Ijy- Injury.                Incs- Increases.

Ik- Instantly killed.       Ind- Indiana.

Ikd- Indicated.             Inf- Influence.

Ikg- Indicating.            Infl- Influential.

Ikm- Incriminate.           Inj- Injustice.

Ikmd- Incriminated.         Inl- International.

Ikmg- Incriminating.        Ino- Innocent.

Ikmn- Incrimination.        Inoc- Innocence.

Ikms- Incriminates.         Inp- Independent.

Ikn- Indication.            Inpy- Independently.

Iks- Indicates.             Inq- Inquest.

Iku- Incumbent.             Ins- Insurance.

Ikv- Indicative.            Instn- Institution.

Ild- Illustrated.           Instu- Institute.

Ilg- Illustrating.          Instd- Instituted.

Iln- Illustration.          Instg- Instituting.

Ils- Illustrates.           Insx- Instantaneous.

Ilt- Illustrate.            Int- Interest.

Ilv- Illustrative.          Intd- Interested.

Ilx- Illustrious.           Intg- Interesting.

Im- Immediately.            Inu- Innumerable.

Ima- Imagine.               Inv- Involve.

Iman- Imagination.          Invd- Involved.

Imd- Imagined.              Invg- Involving.

Img- Imagining.             Inx- Instruct.

Imi- Immigrate.             Inxd- Instructed.

Imid- Immigrated.           Inxg- Instructing.

Imig- Immigrating.          Inxn- Instruction.

Imm- Immense.               Inxs- Instructs.

Immy- Immensely.            Iny- Incendiary.






Inys- Incendiaries.         Isi- Insist.

Io- In order.               Isjt- Insurgent.

Iot- In order to            Isjts- Insurgents.

Ip- Improve.                Isjy- Insurgency.

Ipc- Importance.            Isn- Island.

Ipd- Improved.              Iso- In spite of.

Ipg- Improving.             Ista- Interstate.

Ipk- Implicate.             Isu- Issue.

Ipkd- Implicated.           Isuc- Issuance.

Lpkg- Implicating.          Isud- Issued.

Ipkn- Implication.          Isug- Issuing.

Ipm- Improvement.           Isus- Issues.

Ipn- Imposition.            Isw- In sympathy with.

Ipo- Impose.                Isxn- Insurrection.

Ipod- Imposed.              Isxn- Insurrection.

Ipog- Imposing.             Itc- In this connection.

Ips- Improves.              Itd- Intend.

Ipt- Important.             Itdd- Intended.

Ipu- Impute.                Itg- Intending.

Ipud- Imputed.              Itf- Interfere.

Ipug- Imputing.             Itfd- Interfered.

Ipun- Imputation.           Itfg- Interfering.

Ipus- Imputes.              Itn- Intention.

Ipx- Inspect.               Itx- Intoxicate.

Ipxd- Inspected.            Itxd- Intoxicated.

Ipxg- Inspecting.           Itxg- Intoxicating.

Ipxn- Inspection.           Itxn- Intoxication.

Ipxs- Inspects.             Iug- Inaugurate.

Iq- Inquire.                Iugd- Inaugurated.

Iqd- Inquired.              Iugg- Inaugurating.

Iqg- Inquiring.             Iul- Industrial.

Iqn- Inquisition.           Iun- Inauguration.

Iqo- In consequence of.     Iup- Interrupt.

Iqr- Inquirer.              Iupd- Interrupted.

Iqs- Inquires.              Iupg- Interrupting.

Iqy- Inquiry.               Iupn- Interruption.

Ir- Irregular.              Iux- Industrious.

Ird- Ireland.               Iuxy- Industrously.

Irh- Irish.                 Iuy- Industry.

Irl- Internal.              Iuys- Industries.

Irn- Iron.                  Iv- In view.

Irs- Irregularities.        Iva- Invade.

Irt- In regard to.          Ivad- Invaded.

Iry- Irregularly.           Ivag- Invading.

Isc- Instance.              Ivan- Invasion.

Iscd- Instanced.            Ivas- Invades.

Iscg- Istancing.            Ivd- Investigated.

Iscs- Instances.            Ivg- Investigate.






Ivgg- Investigating.        Jbt- Jubilant.

Ink- Invoke.                Jdl- Judicial.

Ivkd- Invoked.              Jdx- Judicious.

Ivkn- Invocation.           Jdxy- Judiciously.

Ivkn- Invocation.           Jdy- Judiciary.

Ivl- Individual.            Jf- Justify.

Ivm- Investment.            Jfd- Justified.

Ivn- Investigation.         Jfg- Justifying.

Ivo- In view of.            Jfl- Justifiable.

Ivs- Invest.                Jfn- Justification.

Ivsd- Invested.             Jfs- Justfies.

Ivsg- Investing.            Jg- Judge.

Ivt- Invite.                Jgd- Judged.

Ivtd- Invited.              Jgg- Judging.

Ivtg- Inviting.             Jgm- Judgment.

Ivtn- Invitation.           Jgs- Judges.

Ivts- Invites.              Jl- Jail.

Ivu- Interview.             Jlsy- Jealousy.

Ivud- Interviewed.          Jlx- Jealous.

Ivug- Interviewing.         Jlxy- Jealously.

Iw- It was.                 Jly- July.

Iwb- It was believed.       Jn- Join.

Iwc- It was claimed.        Jnd- Joined.

Iwf- it was feared.         Jng- Joining.

Iwh- It was held.           Jnl- Journal.

Iwj- It was alleged.        Jns- Joins.

Iwn- It was not.            Jny- Journey.

Iwr- It was reported.       Jop- Justice of the

Iwu- It was understood.           Peace.

Iwx- It was expected.       Jp- Japan.

Ix- It is.                  Jpe- Japanese.

Ixb- It is believed.        Jpx- Joepardous.

Ixc- It is claimed.         Jpy- Jeopardy.

Ixf- It is feared.          Jpz- Jeopardize.

Ixh- It is held.            Jr- Junior.

Ixj- It is alleged.         Jrn- Jurisdiction.

Ixn- It is not.             Jrnl- Jurisdictional.

Ixp- It is possible.        Js- Just.

Ixr- It is reported.        Jsc- Justice.

Ixs- It is said.            Jsy- Justly.

Ixt- It is the.             Jt- Joint.

Ixu- It is understood.      Jty- Jointly.

Ixx- It is expected.        Ju- Jury.

J- By whiche.               Jus- Juries.

Jan- January.               Jvn- Javelin.

Jas- James.                 Jwl- Jewel.

Jb- Jubilee.                Jwy- Jewelry.

Jbn- Jubilation.            Jz- Juarex (Mexico).






K- Out of the.              Kg- King.

Kah- Knots an hour.         Kgd- Congratulated.

Kan- Kansas.                Kgg- Congratulating.

Kb- Contribute.             Kgm- Kingdom.

Kbd- Contributed. ---*      Kgn- Congratulation.

Kbg- Contributing.          Kgu- Congratulate.

Kbn- Contribution.          Kgy- Congratulatory.

Kbs- Contributes.           Ki- Kill.

Kc- Concentrate.            Kid- Killed.

Kcd- Concentrated.          Kig- Killing.

Kcg- Concentrating.         Kis- Kills.

Kcl- Conciliate.            Kj- Complain.

Kcld- Conciliated.          Kjd- Complained.

Kclg- Conciliating.         Kjg- Complaining.

Kcln- Conciliation.         Kjn- Conjunction.

Kcls- Conciliates.          Kjt- Complaint.

Kcn- Concentration.         Kl- Collect.

Kcs- Concentrates.          Kld- Collected.

Kcx- Conscious.             Klg- collecting.

Kcxn- Consciousness.        Kli- Collide.

Kd- Kind.                   Klid- Collided.

Kdc- Conduct.               Klig- Colliding.

Kdcd- Conducted.            Kln- Collection.

Kdcg- Conducting.           Klps- Collapse.

Kdcr- Conductor.            Klpsd- Collapsed.

Kdg- Knowledge.             Klpsg- Collapsing.

Kdn- Kindness.              Klr- Collector.

Kdu- Conduce.               Klrl- Collateral.

Kdud- Conduced.             Kls- Collects.

Kdug- Conducing.            Klsn- Collision.

Kdus- Conduces.             Klv- collective.

Kdy- Kindly.                Km- Communicate.

Kf- Confer.                 Kmd- Communicated.

Kdc- Conference.            Kmg- Communicating.

Kfd- Conferred.             Kml- Criminal.

Kfe- Conferee.              Kmly- Criminally.

Kfg- Conferring.            Kmn- Communication.

Kfm- Conform                Kmp- Compare.

Kfmd- Conformed             Kmpd- Compared.

Kfmg- Conforming.           Kmpg- Comparing.

Kfms- Conforms.             Kmpv- Comparative.

Kfmy- Conformity.           Kmw- Communicate

Kfs- Confers.                   with. ---*

Kft- Conflict.              Kmy- Community.

Kftd- Conflicted.           Kn- Known.

Kftg- Conflicting.          Knc- Conscience.

Kfts- Conflicts.            Knd- Candidate.

Kfw- Confer with.           Kndy- Candidacy.






Knp- Contemplate.           Krbn- Corroboration.

Knpd- Contemplated.         Krbs- Corroborates.

Knpg- Contemplating.        Krd- Colored.

Knpn- Contemplation.        Krg- Coloring.

Knps- Contemplates.         Krp- Corrupt.

Kns- Converse.              Krpd- Corrupted.

Knsd- Conversed.            Krpg- Corrupting.

Knsg- Conversing.           Krpn- Corruption.

Knv- Conversation.          Krps- Corrupts.

Knx- Conscientious.         Krs- Colors.

Kny- Conscientiously.       Kru- Crusade.

Ko- Colon (:).              Ks- Conserve.

Kol- Column.                Ksd- Conserved.

Kom- Common.                Ksg- Conserving.

Kop- Co-operate.            Ksm- Conservatism.

Kopd- Co-operated.          Ksn- Conservation.

Kopg- Go-operating.         Kst- Christ. ---*

Kopn- Co-operation.         Kstn- CHristian.

Kp- Keep.                   Ksu- Consummate.

Kpd- Comprehend.            Ksud- Consummated.

Kpg- Keeping.               Ksug- Consummating.

Kpl- Compel.                Ksun- Consummation.

Kpn- Competition.           Ksv- Conservative.

Kpr- Conspire.              Kt- Contain.

Kprd- Conspired.            Ktd- Contained.

Kprg- Conspiring.           Ktg- Containing.

Kpt- Compete.               Kts Contains.

Kptd- Competed.             Ktv- Controvert.

Kptg- Competing.            Kty- Controversy.

Kptr- Competitor.           Ku- Continue.

Kptv- Competitive.          Kuc- Continuance.

Kpv- Coomprehensive.        Kud- Continued.

Kpx- Conspicuous.           Kug- continuing.

Kpy- Conspiracy.            Kul- Continual.

Kq- Colon, Quota-           Kun- Continuation.

     tion (:").             Kus- Continues.

Kqc- Convince.              Kuy- Continually.

Kqcd- Convinced.            Kv- Convert.

Kqcd- Convincing.           Kva Convey.

Kqd- Convicted.             Kvac- Conveyance.

Kqd- Convicting.            Kvad- Conveyed.

Kqn- Conviction             Kvag- Conveying.

Kgq- Convects.              Kvb- Convertible.

Kqt- Convict.               Kvd- Converted.

Kr- Color.                  Kvg- Converting.

Krb- Corroborate.           Kvn- Conversion.

Krbd- Corroborated.         Kvs- Converts.

Krbg- Corroborating.        Kvy- Convertibly.






Kw - Know.                  Lgs- Longs.

Kwg- Knowing.               Lgt- Legitimate.

Kws- Knows.                 Lgu- League.

Kx- Colon, dash             Lgy- Legally.

     (: -).                 Lgz- Legalize.

Kxc- Construct.             Lia- Liability.

Kxd- Constructed.           Lias- Liabilities.

Kxg- Constructing.          Lib- Liberty.

Kxn- Construction.          Libs- Liberties.

Kxs- Constructs.            Lic- License.

Ky- Kentucky.               Licd- Licensed.

Kyn- Kentuckian.            Licg- Licensing.

Kz- Consult.               Lics- Licenses.

Kzd- Consulted.             Lit- Little.

Kzg- Consulting.            Lk- Like.

Kzn- Consultation.          Lkd- Liked.

Kzs- Consults.              Lkg- Liking.

La- Louisiana.              Lks- Likes.

Lab- Labor.                 Lky- Likely.

Labd- Labored.              Ln- Loan.

Labg- Laboring.             lnd- Loaned.

Labs- Labors.               Lng- Loaning.

Laby- Laboratory.           Lns- Loans.

Laf- Laugh.                 Loco- Locomotive.

Lag- Language.             Loj- Lodge.

Lan- Lousianian.            Lok- Lock.

Las- Last.                  Lol- Loss of Life.

Lat- Latitude.              Lon- Longitude.

Lav- Lavish.                Lov- Love.

Lavd- Lavished.             Lp- Liverpool.

Lavg- Lavishing.            Lq- Liquor.

Lavy- Lavishly.             Lqd- Liquidated.

Lbl- Liberal.               Lqd- Liquidating.

Lbr- Lumber.                Lqn- Liquidation.

Lbx- Laborious.             Lqt- Liquidate.

Ld- London.                 Lqs- Liquors.

Ldg- Leading.               Lr- Lower.

Ldr- Leader.                Lrj- Large.

Lea- Leather.               Lrn- Learn.

Lf- Life.                   Lrnd- Learned.

Lfb- File boat.             Lrng- Learning.

Lfi- Life insurance.        Lt- Lieutenant.

Lfr- Laughter.              Ltr- Letter.

Lg- Long.                   Lu- Lieu.

Lgd- Longed.                Luk- Look.

Lgg- Longing.               Lux- Luxury.

Lgl- Legal.                 Lv- Leave.

Lgr- Longer.                Lng- Leaving.






Lvs- Leaves.                Mgr- Manager.

Lw- Law.                    Mgs- Manages.

Lw- Law.                    Mgs- Manages.

Lwf- Lawful.                Mh- Much.

Lwl- Lawless.               Mid- Midnight.

Lwr- Lawyer.                Mil- Military.

Lx- Pounds Sterling.        Min- Minute.

Lyg- Lying,                 Mir- Minister.

M- More.                    Mit- Might.

Mab- May be.                Mjt- Magistrate.

Mag- Magnificent.           Mjy- Majority.

Mah- Miles an hour.         Mk- make.

Maj- Major.                 Mkg- Making.

Mam- Mammoth.               Mkr- Maker.

Mar- March.                 Mks- Makes.

Mas- Massachusetts.         Mkt- Market.

Mat- Material.              Ml- Mail.

Max- Maximum.               Mld- Mailed.

Mbz- Mobilize.              Mlg- Mailing.

Mbzn- Mobilization.         Mls- Mails.

Mch- Machine.               Mlx- Malicious.

Mck -Mechanic.              Mlxy- Maliciously.

Mcl- Mechanical             Mm- Mid-meridian (12

Mcn- Mechanician.               o'clock midnight,

Mcy- Machinery.                 when the sun is

Md- Made.                       equidistant from

Mda- Monday.                    the meridian, or

Mdf- Modify.                    noon).

Mdfn- Modification.         Mmb- Memorable.

Mdg- Middling.              Mml- Memorial.

Mdl- Middle.                Mmy- Memory.

Mdm- Medium.                Mmz- Memorize.

Mdn- Moderation.            Mnf- Manifest.

Mdt- Moderate.              Mnfd- manifested.

Mdy- Moderately.            Mnfg- Manifesting.

Mdz- Merchandise.           Mnfn- manifestation.

Me- Maine.                  Mng- Morning.

Med- Mediterranean.         Mnm- Minumum.

Mem- Member.                Mnr- Manner.

Mf- Manufacture.            Mnv- Maneuver.

Mfd- Manufactured.          Mnx- Monotonous.

Mfg- Manufacturing.         Mny- Many.

Mfr- Manufacturer.          Mo- Month.

Mfs- Manufactures.          Med- Modern.

Mfy- Manfactory.            Mof- Matter of fact.

Mg- Manage.                 Mol- More or less.

Mgd- Managed.               Mom- Moment.

Mgg- Managing.              Momx- Momentous.

Mgm- Management.            Mon- Money.






Mos- Months.                Mut- Mutual. ---*

Moy- Monthly.               Muty- Mutually.

Mpc- Monopolistic.          Mux- Murderous.

Mpd- Manipulated.           Muy- Municipality.

Mpg- Manipulating.          Muys- Municipalities.

Mpn- Manipulation.          Mv- Move.

Mpon- Metropolitan.         Mvd- Moved.

Mpu- Maipulate.             Mvg- Moving.

Mpy- Monopoly.              Mvl- Moveable.

Mpz- Monapolize.            Mvr- Mover.

Mr- Mister.                 Mvs- Moves.

Mrd- Married.               Mw- Meanwhile.

Mrg- Mortgage.              Mx- Mix.

Mrj- Marriage.              Mxc- Maintenance.

Mrl- Marshal.               Mxd- Mixed.

Mrv- Marvel.                Mxg- Mixing.

Mrvx- Marvelous.            Mxn- Maintain.

Mry- Marry.                 Mxnd- Maintained.

Ms- Most.                   Mxng- Maintaining.

Msd- Missed.                Mxr- Mixer.

Msg- Missing.               Mxs- Mixes.

Msj- Message.               Myd- Maryland.

Msjr- Messenger.            Myn- Million.

Msk- Mistake.               Myr- Millionaire.

Mskn- Mistaken.             Mys-- Mystery.

Msn- Mission.               Myx- Mysterious.

Msny- Missionary.           N- Not.

Msp- Mississippi.           Na- Name.

Msr- Measure.               Nad- Named.

Msrd- Measured.             Nag- Naming.

Msrg- Measuring.            Mal- National.

Msrm- Measurement.          Nas- Names.

Mst- Must.                  Nav- Navigate.

Msy- Mostly.                Navn- Navigation.

Mt- Meet.                   Nb- Not be.

Mtg- Meeting.               Nbg- Not being.

Mtn- Mountain.              Nbh- Neighborhood.

Mtr- Matter.                Nbr- Neighbor.

Mts- Meets.                 Nbrg- Neighboring.

Mty- Materially.            Nc- Norch Carolina.

Mtz- Materialize.           Nct- Necessitate.

Mtzn- Materialization.      Ncy- Necessity.

Mu- Murder.                 Nd- Need.

Mud- Murdered.              Nfd- Needful.

Mug- Murdering.             Ndg- Needling.

Mun- Municipal.             Ndy- Needy.

Mur- Murderer.              Ne- New England.

Mus- Murders.              Neb- Nebraska.






Nec- Necessary.             Nv- Never.

Neg- Negative.              Nvl- Nevertheless.

Nev- Nevada.                Nvx- Nervous.

Nf- Notify.                 Nw- Now.

Nfd- Notified.              Nwg- Notwithstand-

Nfg- Notifying.                  ing.

Nfk- Norfolk.               Nx- Next. ---*

Nfn- Notification.          Ny- New York.

Ng- Negotiate.              Nz- New Zealand.

Ngd- Negothiated.           O- Of.

Ngg- Negotiating.           Oa- Of a.

Ngn- Negotiation.           Oao- On account of.

Ngs- Negotiates.            Ob- Obtain.

Nh- New Hampshire.          Obc- Obedience.

Ni- Night.                  Obd- Obtained.

Nik- Nicaragua.             Obg- Obtaining.

Nj- New Jersey.             Obo- On behalf of.

Nl- Natural.                Obq- Obscure.

Nly- Naturally.             Obqd- Obscured.

Nlz- Naturalize.            Obqg- Obscuring.

Nlzn- Naturalization.       Obqy- Obscurity.

Nm- Nominate.               Obs- Obtains.

Nmd- Nominated.             Obt- Obedient.

Nme- Nominee.               Oc- O'clock.

Nmg- Nominating.            Oca- Occasion.

Nml- Nominal.               Occ- Occurrence.

Nmn- Nomination.            Ocd- Occasioned.

No- New Orleans, La.        Ocg- Occasioning.

Nor- Normal.                Ocl- Occasional.

Nov- November.              Oct- October.

Nr- Near. ---*              Ocu- Occur.

Nrv- Nerve.                 Ocud- Occurred.

Nry- Nearly.                Ocug- Occurring.

Nt- North.                  Ocy- Occasionally.

Ntc- Notice.                Od- Order.

Ntg- Nothing.               Odd- Ordered.

Ntn- Northern.              Odg- Ordering.

Ntr- Neither.               Ods- Orders.

Ntx- Notorious.             Ody- Orderly.

Nty- Northerly.             Ofc- Officer.

Nu- New.                    Ofd- Offered.

Num- Number.                Ofg- Offering.

Numd- Numbered.             Ofl- Official.

Numg- Numbering.            Ofn- Often.

Nums- Numbers.              Ofr- Offer.

Nup- Newspaper.             Ofs- Office.

Nus- News.                  Ofy- Officially.

Nux- Numerous.              Og- Organize.






Ogd- Organized.             Oss- Opposes.

Ogg- Organizing.            Ost- Opposite.

Ogl- Original.              Ot- Owing to.

Ogn Organization.           Otg- Outrage.

Ogs- Organizes.             Otgx- OUtrageous.

Ogt- On the ground          Otr- Other.

     that.                  Ou- Our.

Ogy- Originally.            Ov- Over.

Oh- Ohio.                   Ova- Ovation.

Oht- Ought.                 Ovb- Overboard.

Oj- Object.                 Ovm- Overwhelm.

Ojd- Objected.              Ovmd- Overwhelmed.

Ojg- Objecting.             Ovmg- Overwhelming.

Ojl- Objectionable.         Ovms- Overwhelms.

Ojn- Objection.             Ow- On which.

Ojs- Objects.               Owd- Owed.

Ojv- Objective.             Owg- Owing.

Oko- Of course.             Owz- Otherwise.

Om- Omit.                   Oz- Ounce.

Omd- Omitted.               P- Per.

Omg- Omitting.              Pa- Pennsylvania.

Omn- Omission.              Pab- Passed a bill.

Omo- On motion of.          Pac- Pacific.

Oms- Omits.                 Pacn- Pacification.

Ond- Owned.                 Pag- Paying.

Onr- Owner.                 Pam- Pamphlet.

Ont- Ontario. ---*          Pap- Paper.

Op- Opportunity.                   Paps- Papers.

Opd- Opened.                Pat- Patent.

Opg- Opening.               Pau- Pause.

Opn- Opinion.  (Spell       Pb- Probable.

     out "Open.")           Pbg- Pittsburg.

Opr- Operator.              Pbm- Problem.

Ops- Opportunities.         Pbty- Probability.

Opt- Opponent.              Pby- Probably.

Opu- Opportune.             Pc- Percent.

Oq- Eccupy.                 Pcb- Practicable.

Oqd- Occupied.              Pcd- Proceed.

Oqg- Occupying.             Pcdr- Procedure.

Ojn- Occupation.            Pcdg- Proceeding.

Oq- Occupies.               Pch- Purchase.

Oqt- Occupant.              Pchhd- Purchased.

Oqy- Occupancy.             Pchg- Purchasing.

Ory- Ordinary.              Pci- Percentage.

Os- Oppose.                 Pcl- Practical.

Osd- Opposed.               Pcn- Procession.

Osg- Opposing.              Pcp- Participate.

Osn- Opposition.            Pcpd- Participated.






Pcpn- Participation.        Pf- Prefer.

Pcpt- Participant.          Pfc- Preference.

Pct- Precipitate.              Pfd- Preferred.

Pctd- Precipitated.         Pff- Plaintiff.

Pctg- Precipitating.        Pfg- Preferring.

Pctn- Precipitation.        Pfk- Perfunctory.

Pcts- Precipitates.         Pfky- Perfunctorily.

Pcu- Preclude.              Pfl- Preferable.

Pcud- Precluded.            Pfly- Preferably.

Pcug- Precluding.           Pfm- Perform.

Pcus- Precludes.            Pfn- Perfection.

Pcv- Perceive.              Pfsl- Professional.

Pcvd- Perceived.            Pfsn- Professoin.

Pcy- Practically.           Pftd- Perfected.

Pd- Paid.                   Pftg- Perfecting.

Pdc- Precedence.            Pfu- Profuse.

Pdd- Preceeded.             Pfun- Profusion.

Pde- Precede.               Pfuy- Profusely.

Pdg- Preceding.             Pfy- Perfectly.

Pdk- Predict.               Pg- Progress.

Pdkd- Predicted.            Pgd- Progressed.

Pdkg- Predicting.           Pgg- Progressing.

Pdkn- Prediction.           Pgh- Paragraph.

Pdm- Predominate.           Pgm- Programe.

Pmd- Predominated.          Pgn- Progression.

Pdmg- Predominating.        Pgr- Passenger.

Pdn- Production.            Pgs- Progresses.

Pdr- Predecessor.           Pgv- Progressive.

Pdt- Precedent.             Ph- Perhaps.

Pdu- Produce.               Pha- Philadelphia.

Pdud- Produced.             Phb- Prohibit.

Pdug- Producing.            Phbd- Prohibited.

Pdus- Produces.             Phbg- Prohibiting.

Pdut- Product.              Phbn- Prohibition.

Pdv- Productive.            Phc- Physic.

Pe- Principle.              Phcs- Physics.

Pedn- Pedestrian.           Phl- Physical.

Pem- Presented a me-        Phn -Physician.

     morial.                Phy --Physically.

Peny- Penitentiary.         Pip -Philippine.

Peo- People.                Pips- Phillippines.

Pep- Presented a pe-        Pj- Prejudice.

              tition.           Pjd- Prejudiced.

Pes- Principles.            Pjg- Prejudicing.

Pet- Petition.              Pjl- Prejudicial.

Petd- Petitioned.           Pjn- Projection.

Petg- Petitioning.          Pjr- Perjure.






Pjs- Prejudices.            Pnr- Prisoner.

Pjt- Project.               Pnt- Point.

Pjtd- Projected.            Pnx- Precencts.

Pjtg- Projecting.           Pny- Principally.

Pjy- Perjury.               Po- Post-office.

Pk- Particular.             Pod- Post-office de-

Pkg- Packing.                    partment.

Pkj- Package.               Pog- Postage.

Pkm- Predicament.           Pon- Position.

Pks- Particulars.           Pop- Popular.

Pku- Peculiar..             Popn- Population.

Pkuly- Peculiarly.          Pos- Possible.

Pkuy- Peculiarity.          Posy- Possibly.

Pky- Particularly.          Pot- President of the.

Pkz- Particularize.         Potus- President of the

Plf- Platform.                    United States.

Pln- Politician.            Pov- Poverty.

Plny- Preliminary.          Pox- Police.

Plm- Parliament.            Poxm- Policeman.

Plmy- Parliamentary         Poxn- Policemen.

Pls- Please.                Poy- Possibility.

Plsr- Pleasure.             Pp- Postpone.

Plx- Politics.              Ppd- Postponed.

Ply- Politically.           Ppg- Postponing.

Pm- Postmaster.             Ppl- Proposal.

Pma- Panama.                Ppm- Postponement.

Pmac- Panama Canal.         Ppn- Proposition.

Pmo- Prominence.            Ppo- Propose.

Pmg- Postmaster-Gen-        Ppod- Proposed.

     eral.                  Ppog- Proposing.

Pmn- Proclamation.          Ppr- Prepare.

Pmnt- Prominent.            Pprd- Prepared.

Pmp- Peremptory.            Pprg- Preparing.

Pmpy- Peremptorily.         Pprn- Preparation.

Pmsl- Permissible.          Pprs- Prepares.

Pmsn- Permission.           Ppry- Preparatory.

Pmt- Permit.                Pps- Postpones.

Pmtd- Permitted.            Ppy- Property.

Pmtg- Permitting.           Pq- Possess.

Pmy- Prominently.           Pgd- Possessed.

Pnc- Pronounce.             Pqg- Possessing.

Pncd- Pronounced.           Pqn- Possission.

Pncg- Pronouncing.          Pqy- Plurality.

Pncn- Pronunciation.        Pr- President. ---*

Png- Pending.               Prm- Permanent.

Pnl- Principal.             Prn- Prison.

Pnpy- Plenipotentiary.      Prp- Proper.






Prpn- Proportion. ---*      Pud- Published.

Prs- Presidents.            Pug- Publishing.

Prt- Part.                  Puh- Publish.

Prty- Party.                Puhr- Publisher.

Pry- Presidency.            Pum- Publication.

Ps- Pass.                   Pur- Purpose.

Psd- Passed.                Puy- Publicly.

Psc- Persistence.           Pv- Privilege.

Psg- Passing.               Pvc- Province.

Psi- Persist.               Pvcl- Provincial.

Psid- Persisted.            Pvd- Privileged.

Psig- Persisting.           Pvi- Provide.

Psis- Persists.             Pvid- Provided.

Psit- Persistent.           Pvig- Providing.

Psj- Passage.               Pvk- Provoke.

Psk- Prospect.              Pvkd- Provoked.

Pskd- Prospected.           Pvkg- Provoking.

Pskg- Prospecting.          Pvl- Prevail.

Pskv- Prospective.          Pvld- Prevailed.

Psl- Personal.              Pvlg- Prevailing.

Psn- Person.                Pvlc- Prevalence.

Psnl- Personnel.            Pvn- Prevent.

Pspx- Prosperous.           Pvntd- Prevented.

Pspy- Prosperity.           Pvntg- Preventing.

Psq- Prosecute.             Pvnl- Provisional.

Psqd- Prosecuted.           Pvtn- Prevention.

Pqqg- Prosecuting.          Pvs- Privilegis.

Psqn- Prosecution.          Pvt- Private.

Pss- Passes.                Pvx- Previous.

Psu- Presume.               Pvxy- Previously.

Psud- Presumed.             Pvy- Privately.

Psug- Presuming.            Pw- Power.

Psun- Presumption.          Pwf- Powerful.

Psuy- Presumably.           Pws- Powers.

Psv- Passive.               Pwy- Powerfully.

Psy- Personally.            Px- Price

Pt- Present.                Pxl- Political.

Ptc- Pretence.              Pxn- Protection.

Ptd- Presented.             Pxo- Porto Rico.

Ptg- Presenting.            Pxon- Porto Rican.

Ptm- Presentment.           Pxs- Prices.

Ptn- Presentation.          Pxt- Protect.

Ptr- Presenter.             Pxtd- Protected.

Pts- Presents.              Pxtg- Protecting.

Pty- Presently.             Pxts- Portects.

Pu- Public.                 Pby- Presbytery.

Pucy- Publicity.            Pyn- Presbyterian.






Pz- Prize.                  Qu- Quiet.

Pzd- Prized.                Quo- Quota.

Pzg- Prizing.               Quy- Quietly.

Pzn- Poison.                R- Are.

Pznd- Poisoned.             Ra- Raise.

Pzng- Poisining.            Rad- Raised.

Pzr- Poisoner.              Raf- Ratify.

Pzs- Prizes.                Rafd- Ratified.

Q- On the.                  Rafg- Ratifying.

Qa- Quality.                Rafn- Ratification.

Qad- Qualified.             Rafs- Ratifies.

Qag- Qualifying.            Rag- Raising.

Qan- Jualification.         Rah- Ravish.

Ray- Quality.               Ral- Radical.

Qb- On the bill.            Ras- Raises.

Cq- Concur.                 Rav- Ravage.

Qcc- Concurrence.           Rb- Rob.

Qcd- Concuurred.            Rbd- Robbed.

Qcg- Concurring.            Rbg- Robbing.

Qcs- Concurs.               Rbr- Robber.

Qct- Concurrent.            Rby- Robbery.

Qk- Quick.                  Rc- Receive.

Qky- Quickly.               Rcd- Received.

Qm- Quartermaster.          Rcg- Receiving.

Qmg- Quartermaster-         Rcn- Reception.

     general.               Rcp- Reciprocate.

Qny- Quantity.              Rcpl- Reciprcal.

Qco- On the contrary.       Rcpy- Reciprocity.

Qoh- On the other hand.     Rcr- Receiver.

Qom- Quorum.                Rcs- Receives.

Qow- On the whole.          Rct- Receipt.

Qp- On the part of.         Rcu- Recuperate.

Qpt- On the part of the.    Rcud- Recuperated.

Qq- On the question.        Rcug- Recuperating.

Qr- Quarter.                Rd- Read.

Qrd- Quartered.             Rdg- Reading.

Qrg- Quartering.            Rdn- Reduction. ---*

Qrl- Quarrel.               Rdr- Reader.

Qrs- Quarters.              Rds- Reads.

Qry- Quarterly.             Rdu- Reduce.

Qrz- Quartz.                Rdud- Reduced.

Qsd- Questioned.            Rdug- Reducing.

Qsg- Questioning.           Rdx- Ridiculous.

Qsh- Quash.                 Rdy- Ready.

Qsn- Question.              Reb- Rebel.

Qso- Quite so.              Reg- Register.

Qt- Quite.                  Regd- Registered.

Qtn- Quotation.             Regg- Registering.






Regn- Registration.         Rj- Reject.

Regr- Registrar.            Rjc- Rejoice.

Regs- Registers.            Rjcd- Rejoiced.

Rek- Wreck.                 Rjcg- Rejoicing.

Rekj- Wreckage.             Rjd- Rejected.

Rept- Repeat.               Rjg- Rejecting.

Repd- Repeated.             Rjn- Rejection.

Repg- Repeating.            Rjr- Rejector.

Reptn- Repetition.          Rjs- Rejects.

Req- Request.               Rk- Recover.

Reqd- Requested.            Rkc- Recognizance.

Reqd- Requesting.           Rkd- Rocovered.

Reqs- Requests.             Rkg- Recovering.

Rev- Reverend.              Rkn- Recognition.

Rf- Refer.                  Rko- Record.

Rfc- Reference.             Rkod- Recorded.

Rfd- Referred.              Rkog- Recording.

Rfe- Referee.               Rks- Recovers.

Rfg- Referring.             Rky- Recovery.

Rfk- Reflect.               Rkz- Recognize.

Rfkd- Reflected.            Rkzd- Recognized.

Rfkg- Reflecting.           Rl- Leal.

Rfkn- Ferlection.           Rla- Relate.

Rfm- Reform.                Rlave- Relative.

Rfn- Reformation.           Rlb- Reliable.

Rfr- Reformer.              Rlc- Reluctance.

Rfs- Refers.                Rld- Related.

Rfu- Refuse.                Rlf- Relief.

Rfud- Refused.              Rlg- Relating.

Rfug- Refusing.             Rlj- Religion.

Rfum- Referendum.           Rljx- Religious.

Rg- Regular.                Rln- Relation.

Rgd- Regard.                Rlps- Relapse.

Rgdd- Regarded.             Rlpsd- Relapsed.

Rgdg- Regarding.            Rlpsg- Relapsing.

Rgds- Regards.              Rlpss- Relapses.

Rgm- Regiment.              Rlq- Relinquish.

Rgn- Regulation.            Rls- Release.

Rgs- Regulars.              Rlsd- Released.

Rgt- Regulate.              Rlsg- Releasing.

Rgy- Regularly.             Rlv- Relieve.

Rh- Reach.                  Rlvd- Relieved.

Rhd- Reached.               Rlvg- Relieving.

Rhg- Reaching.              Rly- Really.

Rhr- Rather.                Rlz- Realize.

Rhs- Reaches.               Rm- Remain.

Rht- Right.                 Rmb- Remember.

Ri- Rhode Island.           Rmc- Remembrance.






Rmd- Remained.              Rps- Reports.

Rmg- Remaining.             Rpt- Represent.

Rmk- Remark.                Rptd- Represented.

Rmkd- Remarked.             Rptg- Representing.

Rmkg- Remarking.            Rptn- Representation.

Rmn- Rumuneration.          Rpu- Repudiate.

Rmr- Rumor.                 Rpud- Repudiated.

Rmrd- Rumored.              Rpug- Rupudiating.

Rmrg- Rumoring.             Rpun- Repudiation.

Rms Remains.                Rpv- Representative.

Rmt- Remit.                 Rpvs- Representatives.

Rmu- Remunerate.            Rpy- Reply.

Rmv- Remunerative.          Rq- Require.

Rmx- Remarks.               Rqd- Required.

Rn- Reason.                 Rqg- Requiring.

Rnc- Ronounce.              Rqm- Requirement.

Rncd- Renounced.            Rqn- Requisition.

Rncg- Ronouncing.           Rqs- Requires.

Rnd- Reasoned.              Rr- Railroad.

Rnf- Reinforce.             Rrg- Railroading.

Rnfm- Reinforcement.        Rsd- Reside.

Rng- Reasoning.             Rsdc- Residence.

Rnl- Reasonable.            Rsdd- Resided.

Rnu- Renew.                 Rsdg- Residing.

Rny- Reasonably.            Rsdt- Resident.

Ro- Rose.                   Rsg- Resign.

Rog- Re-organize.           Rsgd- Resigned.

Rogd- Re-organized.         Rsgg- Resigning.

Rogg- Re-organizing.        Rsgn- Resignation.

Rogn- Re-organization.      Rsi- Resist.

Rot- Report of the.         Rsic- Resistance.

Rp- Report.                 Rsid- Resisted.

Rpb- Rosponsible.           Rsig- Resisting.

Rpby- Responsibility.       Rsis- Resists.

Rpc- Republic.              Rsl- Resolve.

Rpd- Reported.              Rsld- Resolved.

Rpg- Reporting.             Rslg- Resolving.

Rph- Reproach.              Rsn- Resolution.

Rphd- Reproached.           Rsp- Respect.

Rphg- Reproaching.          Rspd- Respected.

Rpl- Repeal.                Rspg- Respecting.

Rpld- Repealed.             Rspv- Respective.

Rplg- Repealing.            Rspy- Respectively.

Rpls- Repeals.              Rsq- Rescue.

Rpm- Re-appointment.        Rqqd- Rescued.

Rpn- Republican.            Rsqg- Rescuing.

Rpr- Reporter.              Rsu- Resume.

                            Rsud- Resumed.


[ This page is very interesting since the

  columns do not match -- however the

  non-matching columns so bothered the

  publishers of the Bi-Centennial Edition,

  that they gradually slid the second column,

  vis-a-vis the first column, so that the

  reader would not notice the "error"; that

  is, the second column is slightly more

  condensed than the first column, so that to

  the casual reader, the columns both start

  togetther, *and* finish together.  The

  computer, of course, is not to be fooled;

  however, the human copier is faced with the

  question: "what is going wrong with my

  eyes ?? " ]





Rsug- Resuming.             Rzs- Results.

Rsum- Resumption.           Rzt- Resultant.

Rsv- Reserve.               Sa- Senate.

Rsvd- Reserved.             Sab- Senate bill.

Rsvg- Reserving.            Sac- Senate committee.

Rsvn- Reservation.          Saf- Spocke as follows.

Rt- Are the.                Saik- Shot and instantly

Rtd- Returned.                    killed.

Rtg- Returning.             Sak- Shot and killed.

Rtn- Return.                Sal- Salary.

Ru- Are you.                Sap- Soon as possible.

Ruf- Rough.                 Sar- Senator.

Rup- Rupture.               Sb- Subsequent.

Rupd- Ruptured.             Sbc- Subsequence.

Rupg- Rupturing.            Sbl- Substantial.

Rus- Russia.                Sbly- Substantially.

Rv- Remove.                 Sbm- Submit.

Rvd- Removed.               Sbd- Submitted.

Rvg- Removing.              Shg- Submitting.

Rvk- Revoke.                Sbn- Submission.

Rvkd- Revoked.              Sby- Subsequently.

Rvkg- Revoking.             Sc- Souch Carolina.

Rvkn- Revocation.           Sca- Scare.

Rvl- Removal.               Scb- Subscribe.

Rvn- Revolution.            Scd- Subscribed.

Rvo- Revolve.               Scf- Sacrifice.

Rvod- Revolved.             Scfd- Sacrificed.

Rvog- Revolving.            Scfg- Sacrificing.

Rvos- Revolves.             Scg- Subscribing.

Rvor- Revelver.             Sch- Schooner.

Rvr- River.                 Scl- School.

Rvs- Remones.               Scn- Subscription.

Rvt- Revolt.                Scotus- Uspreme court

Rvu- Review.                       of the United

Rvy- Revolutionary.                States.

Rwd- Reward.                Sct- Supreme court.

Rwdd- Rewarded.             Scu- Seclude.

Rwdg-s Rewarding.           Scud- Secluded.

Lwds- Rewards.              Scug- Secluding.

Rx- Recommend.              Scun- Seclusion.

Rxd- Recommended.           Scy- Scarcely.

Rxg- Recommending.          Sd- Should.

Rxn- Recommendation.        Sdn- Sudden.

Rxs- Recommends.            Sdr- Surrender.

Ry- Railway.                Sdrd- Surrendered.

Rz- Result.                 Sdrg- Surrendering.

Rzd- Resulted.              Sdu- Seduce.

Rzg- Resulting.             Sdud- Seduced.






Sdug- Seducing.             Sjn- Subjection.

Sdun- Seduction.            Sjo- Subject of.

Sdus- Seduces.              Sjt- Sergeant.

Sdy- Sunday.                Sk- Success.

Se- From which.             Skd- Succeed.

Sec- Section.               Skj- Schedule.

Sed- Said.                  Skjd- Scheduled.

Seg- Saying.                Skjg- Scheduling.

Sem- Seem.                  Ski- Successful.

Sen- Seen.                  Skm- Scheme.

Sep- September.             Skr- Successor.

Ses- Says.                  Skv- Successive.

Sey- Secretary.             Sky- Successfully.

Sf- Satisfy.                Sl- Sail. (Spell out

Sfd- Satisfied.                   "sale.")

Sfg- Satisfying.            Sld- Sailed.

Sfj- Suffrage.              Slf- Self.

Sfjt- Suffragette.          Slg- Sailing.

Sfly- Satisfactorily.       Slh- Selfish.

Sfn- Satisfaction.          Slr- Sailor.

Sfr- Nuffer.                Slt- Slight.

Sfy- Satisfactory.          Sm- Some.

Sg- Signify.                Sma- Small.

Sgc- Significance.          Smb- Somebody.

Sgd- Signified.             Smc- Symathetic.

Sgg- Signifying.            Smg- Something.

Sghr- Stenographer.         Smh- Somehow.

Sgn- Signification.         Smk- Smoke

Sgt- Significant.           Smp- Sympathy.

Skg- Stenography.           Smr- Summer.

Sh- Such.                   Smt- Sometime.

Shf- Sheriff.               Smw- Somewhat.

Skk- Shake.                 Smx- Simultaneous.

Shl- Shall.                 Smz- Sympathize.

Shr- Share.                 Sn- Soon.

Si- Semicolon (;).          Snc- Since.

Sig- Signature.             Snd- Send.

Sil- Silver.                Snm- Sentiment.

Sim- Similar.               Sur- Sooner.

Sip- Said in part.          Soa- Secretary of

Sis- Sister.                     Agriculture.

Siu- Situate.               Soc- Secretary of

Siud- Situated.                  Commerce.

Siug- Situating.            Sor- Soldier.

Siun- Situation.            Sos- Secretary of

Sj- Subject.                     State.

Sjd- Subjected.             Sot- Secretary of the.

Sjg- Subjecting.            Sou- South.






Soun- Southern.             Srm- Surmise.

Sov- Soverign.              Srs Secures.

Sovy- Soverignty.           Srx- Serious.

Sow- Secrotary of War.      Srxy- Seriously.

Soy- Society.               Sry- Securely.

Sp- Ship.                   Ss- Steamship.

Spa- Spacious.              Ssn- Session.

Spb- Shipborad.             St- Street.

Spd- Shipped.               Sta- State.

Spfc- Specific.             Stay- Statistics.

Spfd- Specified.            Stc- Sentence.

Spfg- Specifying.           Stcd- Sentenced.

Spfn- Specification.        Stcg- Sentencing.

Spfy- Specify.              Std- Standard.

Spg- Shipping.              Stdz- Standardize.

Sph- Speech.                Stg- Strong.

Spk- Spoke.                 Stgr- Stronger.

Spkg- Speculating.          Stgy- Strongly.

Skkn- Spoken.               Stj- Strange.

Spkr- Speculator. ---*      Stjr- Stranger.

Spku- Speculate.            Stjy- Strangely.

Spkun- Speculation.         Stk- Strike.

Spkv- Speculative.          Stkr- Striker.

Spl- Special.               Stn- Station.

Spm- Shipment.              Sto- Store.

Spn- Suspicion.             Stod- Stored.

Spo- Suppose.               Stog- Storing.

Spod- Supposed.             Str- Steamer.

Spog- Suppposing.           Sts- Streets.

Spon- Supposition.          Sty- Steady.

Spq- Speak.                 Su- Sure.

Spqg- Speaking.             Sub- Substitute.

Spqr- Speaker.              Subd- Substituted.

Spr- Shipper.               Subg- Substituting.

Spt- Support. (Spell        Subn- Substitition.

      out "sport.")         Sud- Surround.

Sptr- Supporter.            Sudd- Surrounded.

Spx- Suspicious.            Sudg- Surrounding.

Spz- Surprise.              Suf- Sufficient.

Sq- Separate.               Sufy- Sufficiently.

Sqd- Separated.             Sug- Suggest.

Sqg- Separating.            Sugd- Suggested.

Sqn- Separation.            Sugg- Suggesting.

Sqr- Square.                Sugn- Suggestion.

Sqa- Separates.             Suk- Suspect.

Sr- Secure.                 Sukd- Suspected.

Srd- Secured.               Sui- Suicede.

Srg- Securing.              Supm- Supreme.






Supr- Superior.             Tch- Touch.

Supt- Superintendent.       Tcl- Technical.

Sux- Sucurities.            Tct- Transact.

Suy- Saturday.              Tcd- Transacted.

Sv- Seven.                  Tcg- Transacting.

Svc- Service.               Tcn- Transaction.

Svd- Served.                Tcy- Technically.

Sve- Serve.                 Td- Treasury Depart-

Svg- Serving.                    ment.

Svh- Seventh.               Tdb- The debate.

Svl- Several.               Tde- Trade.

Svr- Severe.                Tdg- Trading.

Svt- Servant.               Tdl- Traditional.

Svy- Severely.              Tdn- Tradition.

Sw- Swear.                  Tdy- To-day.

Swg- Swearing.              Ter- Terror.

Swn- Sworn.                 Tes- Testimony.

Swo- Swore.                 Tex- Texas.

Sws- Swears.                Tey- Territory.

Sx- Dollar mark ($).        Tez- Terrorize.

Sxh- Sixth.                 Tezd- Terrorized.

Sxl- Sexual.                Tezg- Terrorizing.

Sxm- Settlement.            Tf- The following.

Sxn- Sensation.             Tfc- Terrific.

Sxnl- Sensational.          Tfd- Testified.

Syc- Systemitic.            Tff- Tariff.

Syl- Systematical.          Tfg- Testyfying.

Sym- Symptom.               Tfk- Traffic.

Syn- Syndicate.             Tfm- Transform.

Sys- System.                Tfmd- Transformed.

Syz- Systematize.           Tfmg- Transforming.

Sz- Seize.                  Tfn- Transformation.

Szd- Seized.                Tfr- Transfer.

Szg- Seizing.               Tfrd- Transferred.

Szn- Season.                Tfrg- Transferring.

Szr- Seizure.               Tfy- Testify.

Szs- Seizes.                Tg- Thing.

T- The.                     Tgh- Telegraph.

Tam- The amendment.         Tgm- Telegram.

Tan- Than.                  Tgr- Together.

Tau- To authorize.          Tgy- Telegraphy.

Tb- The bill.               Th- Those.

Tbc- Tobacco.               Thd- Thursday.

Tbd- The board.             Thea- Theatre.

Tbh- To be held.            Thf- Thief.

Tbl- Trouble.               Thk- Thank.

Tbx- Tuberculosis.          Thm- Thermometer.

Tbz- The business.          Tho- Though.






Thq- Thick.                 Trl- Trial.

Thr- Their.                 Trm- Terminate.

Thru- Through.              Trmd- Terminated.

Tht- Thought.               Trmg- Terminating.

Thu- The house.             Trml- Terminal.

Ti- Time.                   Trmn- Termination.

Tj- The jury.               Trn- Train.

Tjg- The judge.             Trp- Troop.

Tk- Take.                   Trps- Troops. ---*

Tkg- Taking.                Trw- Therewith.

Tkh- Turkish.               Ts- This.

Tkn- Taken.                 Tsa- The senate.

Tkr- Taker.                 Tsb- This bill.

Tkt- Ticket.                Tse- These.

Tky- Turkey.                Tsf- This forenoon. ---*

Tm- Them.                   Tsm- This morning.

Tmp- Temperature.           Tsp- This afternoon.

Tmd- Transmitted.           Tsq- This question.

Tmg- Transmitting.          Tsr- Treasurer.

Tmn- Transmission.          Tsv- This evening.

Tmt- Transmit.              Tsy- Treasury.

Tmx- Tremendous.            Tt- That.

Tn- Then.                   Tti- That is (7).

Tnc- Thence.                Ttt- That the (5).

Tnd- Thousand.              Tuf- Tough.

Tni- To-night.              Tuy- Tuesday.

Tnk- Think.                 Tw- To-morrow.

Tnm- Tournament.            Twd- Toward.

Tnv- Tentative.             Twf- Tomorrow fore-

Tnvy- Tentatively.               noon.

Tny- Tendency.              Twh- To which.

Tol- Tolerate.              Twm- Tomorrow

Tp- Transport.                   marning.

Tpd- Transported.           Twp- Tomorrow

Tpg- Transporting.               afternoon.

Tph- Telephone.             Twv- To-morrow

Tpn- Transportation.             evening.

Tpo- The passage of.        Twy- Twenty.

Tpy- Temporary.             Tx- This is.

Tq- The question.           Txb- This is believed.

Tql-s Tranquil.             Txi- Taxicab.

Tqo- The question of.       Txm- This is more.

Tqy- Tranquilly.            Txn- This is not.

Tr- There.                  Txs- This is said.

Trd- Third.                 Txt- This is the.

Tre- Three.                 Ty- They.

Trf- Therefore.             Tz- These.

Trk- Track.                 U- You.






Uac- Unaccepted.            Unx- Unexpected.

Uau- Unauthorized.          Uny- Unexpectedly.

Uav- Unavoidable.           Uoc- Unchanged on

Ubd- Undoubted.                  call.

Ubq- Ubiquitous.            Upn- Upon.

Uby- Undoubtedly.           Upt- Unimportant.

Uc- You see.                Upw- Upward.

Ucm- Uncommon.              Uq- Upon the.

Ucn- Uncertain.             Uqq- Upon the ques-

Ucx- Unconscious.                tion.

Ucxn- Unconsciousness.      Ur- Your.

Ucy- Unnecessary.           Us- United States.

Udf- Unidentified.          Usa- United States of

Uf- Unfortunate.                 America.

Ufb- Unfavorable.           Usf- Useful.

Ufby- Unfovorably.          Usg- United States

Ufd- Unfounded.                  Government.

Ufm- Uniform.               Usk- Unsuccessful.

Ufp- Under falso pre-       Utaf- Under the aus-

     tenses.                      pices of the.

Ufy- Unfortunately.         Utc- Under the cir-

Ugd- Unchanged.                  cumstances.

Ugt- Urgent.                Utd- Uttered.

Ugud- Unguarded.            Utr- Utter.

Uguy- Ungardedly.           Uty- Utterly.

Ugy- Urgently.              Utz- Utilize.

Uk- Understand.             Uv- Universe.

Ukd- Understood.            Uvl- Universal.

Ukg- Understanding.         Uvy- University.

Ukn- Unkoown.               Ux- Underline, i.e.,

Uky- Understandingly.           italics.

Ul- Usual.                  Uxc- Under these cir-

Ulm- Ultimate.                   cumstances.

Ult- Ultimo.                Uxl- Unconstitutional.

Uly- Usually.               Uxty- Unconstitution-

Um- Unanimous.                    ality.

Umf- Unmanufactured.        Uxy- Unconstitution-

Ump- Umpire.                     ally.

Umy- Unanimously.           V- Of which.

Un- Until.                  Va- Virginia.

Und- Under.                 Vac- Vacate.

Ung- Young.                 Vad- Vacated.

Uni- United.                Vag- Vague.

Unj- Unjust.                Vak- Vacant.

Unl- Unless.                Val- Value.

Uns- Unsettled.             Var- Various.

Unu- Unusual.               Vax- Vaccinate.

Unuy- Unusually.            Vay- Variety.






Vb- Valuable.               Vsd- Visited.

Vby- Valuably.              Vsg- Visiting.

Vcd- Vindicated.            Vsn- Vision.

Vcg- Vindicating.           Vsr- Visitor.

Vcn- Vindication.           Vst- Visit.

Vct- Vindicate.             Vt- Vermont.

Vcv- Vindictiive.           Vtu- Vituperate.

Vcy- Vicinity.              Vtun- Vituperation.

Vdt- Verdict.               Vtuv- Vituperative.

Vet- Veteran.               Vu- View.

Vf- Verify.                 Vud- Viewed.

Vfn- Verification.          Vug- Viewing.

Vgc- Vengeance.[sic]        Vul- Vulgar.

Vgx- Vigorous.              Vus- Views.

Vk- Victor.                 Vx- Violate.

Vka- Victoria.              Vxd- Violated.

Vkm- Victim.                Vxg- Vialating.

Vkn- Vacation.              Vxn- Violation.

Vkx- Victorious.            Vy- Very.

Vky- Victory.               Vyj- Voyage.

Vkz- Victimize.             Vz- Venezuela.

Vlj- Village.               Vzn- Venezuelan.

Vlr- Volunteer.             W- With.

Vly- Voluntarily.           Wa- With a.

Vm- Vehement.               Wac- With a capital.

Vmc- Vehemence.             Wad- War Depart-

Vmy- Vehemently.                  ment.

Vnc- Violence.              Wam- Ways and means.

Vnq- Vanish.                Wat- Water.

Vnqd- Vanished.             Wav- With a view.

Vnqg- Vanishing.            Wb- Will be.

Vnt- Violent.               Wbh- Will be held.

Wny- Violently.             Wc- Welcome.

Vo- Vote.                   Wcd- Welcomed.

Voc- Vocation.              Wcg- Welcoming.

Vod- Voted.                 Wd- Would.

Vog- Voting.                Wda- Wednesday.

Vol- Volume.                Wdf- Wonderful.

Vos- Votes.                 Wdg- Wedding.

Wox- Voluminous.            Wdw- Withdaw.

Vp- Vice-president.         Wea- Weather.

Vpot- Vice-president of     Wek- Weak.

      the.                  Wg- Wrong.

Vr- Virtue.                 Wgd- Wronged.

Wtl- Wirtual.               Wgf- Wrongful.

Vru- Virtuous.              Wgg- Wronging.

Vry- Virtually.             Wgh- Weigh.

Vsb- Visible.               Wgn- Wagon.






Wgt- Weight.                Wri- Write.

Wgy- Wrongly.               Wrn- Written.

Wh- Whiche.                 Wro- Wrote.

Whi- While.                 Wrk- Work.

Whl- Whole.                 Wrt- With regard to.

Wht- Wheat.                 Wrx- Works.

Whu- White House.           Ws- Was.

Wi- Will.                   Wsk- Whiskey.

Wig- Willing.               Wsn- Western.

Wik- Wicked.                Wsp- Warship.

Win- Within.                Wsy- Westerly.

Wis- Wisconsin.             Wt- What.

Wit- Witness.               Wtr- Whether.

Witd- Witnessed.            Wtv- Whatever.

Witg- Witnessing.           Wv- Vaive.

Wix- Wireless.              Wvd- Waived.

Wj- Wound.                  Wyg- Waiving.

Wk- Week.                   Ww- With which.

Wkm- Workman.               Wx- Wait.

Wkn- Workmen.               Wxd- Waited.

Wky- Weekly.                Wxg- Waiting.

Wl- Well.                   Wxr- Waiter.

Wld- World.                 Wy- Why.

Wlf- Welfare.               X- In which.

Wlh- Wealth.                Xac- Exact.

Wly- Wealthy.               Xag- Exaggerate.

Wn- When.                   Xas- Exacts.

Wnb- Will not be.           Xay- Exactly.

Wnc- Whence.                Xb- Exorbitant.

Wng- Winning.               Xby- Exorbitantly.

Wnr- Winner.                Xc- Excite.

Wnv- Whenever.              Xcd- Excited.

Wo- Who.                    Xcg- Exciting.

Wom- Whom.                  Xcm- Excitement.

Wos- Whose.                 Xcp- Except.

Wot- Without.               Xcpn- Exception.

Wp- Weep.                   Xd- Exceed.

Wpg- Weeping.               Xdd- Exceeded.

Wpn- Weapon.                Xdg- Exceeding.

Wq- Warrant.                Xdn- Extradition.

Wqd- Warranted.             Xdt- Extradite.

Wqg- Warranting.            Xdtd- Extradited.

Wqs- Warrants.              Xdtg- Extraditing.

Wqy- Warranty.              Xdy- Exceedingly.

Wr- Were.                   Xg- Legislate.

Wrd- Word.                  Xgd- Legislated.

Wrg- Writing.               Xgg- Legislating.

Wrh- Worth.                 Xgh- Extinguish.






Xghd- Extinguished.         Xplg- Exploding.

Xghg- Extinguishing.        Xpln- Explosion.

Xgn- Legislation.           Xpm- Experiment.

Xgor- Legislator.           Xpn- Expedition.

Xgr- Legislature.           Xpo- Expose.

Xgv- Legislative.           Xpod- Exposed.

Xh- Exhaust.                Xpog- Exposing.

Xhd- Exhausted.             Xpon- Exposition.

Xhg- Exhausting.            Xpr- Expenditure.

Xhn- Exhaustion.            Xps- Expense.

Xhv- Exhaustive.            Xpt- Export.

Xj- Explain.                Xpv- Expensive.

Xjd- Explained.             Xr- Exercise.

Xjg- Explaining.            Xrd- Exercised.

Xjn- Explanation.           Xrg- Exercising.

Xjy- Explanatory.           Xrl- External.

Xk- Execute.                Xrn- Exertion.

Xkd- Executed.              Xrs- Exercises.

Xkn- Execution.             Xrt- Exert.

Xkr- Executor.              Xs- Exist.

Xkv- Executive              Xsc- Existence.

Xl- Excel.                  Xsd- Existed.

Xlc- Excellence.            Xsg- Existing.

Xlg- Excelled.              Iss- Exists.

Xlg- Excelling.             Xt- Extent.

Xlt- Excellent.             Xtd- Extend.

Xly- Excellently.           Xtg- Extending.

Xm- Extreme.                Xtn- Extension.

Xmt- Exempt.                Xtv- Extensive.

Xmtn- Exemption.            Xty- Extensively.

Xmy- Extremely.             Xn- Exclude.

Xn- Constitution.           xun- Exclusion.

Xnl- Constitutional.        Xuv- Exclusive.

Xnlst- Constititionalist.   Xxd- Cross examined.

Xnty- Constitutionality.    Xxg- Cross examining.

Xny- Constitutionally.      Xxm- Cross examine.

Xo- Exoonerate.             Xxn- Cross examina-

Xod- Exonerated.                 tion.

Xog- Exonerating.           Y- Year.

Xon- Exoneration.           Ya- Yesterday.

Yoy- Extraordinary.         Yaf- Yesterday fore-

Xp- Expense.                     noon.

Xpc- Experience.            Yam- Yesterday morn-     

Xpd- Expend.                     ing.

Xpg- Expending.             Yap- Yesterday after-

Xpi- Expedite                    noon.

Xpl- Explode.               Yav- Yesterday even-

Xpld- Exploded.                  ing.





Yd- Yield.                5- That the.

Ydd- Yielded.             7- That is.

Ydg- Yielding.            4- Where.

Yf- Yellow fever.

Yl- Yellow.               BASEBALL

Yo- Years old.            SUPPLEMENT

Yoa- Years of age.        Bas- By a score of.

Yoha- Year of his         Bob- Base(s) on balls.

      (or her) age.       Bts- By the score of.

Z- From which.            Ing- Inning.

Za- Sea.                  Ings- Innings.

Zc- Section.              Ivc- Invincible.

Zcl- Sectional.           Lob- Left on bases.

Zd- Said.                 Nbf- Now batting for.

Zlx- Zealous.             Ncf- Now catchinng for.

Zm- Seem.                 Npf- Now pitching for.

Zn- Seen.                 Sko- Score.

Snr- Senior.              Ump- Umpire.

&- And.                   Umps- Umpires.


                OPTION MONTHS

F- January        K- May         U- September  

G- February       M- June        V- October

H- March          N- July        X- November

J- April          Q- August      Z- December


A D D I T I O N S   T O   P H I L L I P S  C O D E


Acf- Aircraft               Kaq- King and Queen

Arj- Around                 Kmst- Communist

Asfd- Asphyxiated           Kmsm- Communism

Bcy- Bankruptcy             Ksr- Kaiser

Bdc- Broadcast              Mutn- Munition

Bul- Bulgaria               Nxk- Next week

Cats- Coused a tre-         Nql- Neutral

   mendous explosion        Ngly- Neutrality

Chf- Caused by fire         Ooo- Oath of office

Dap- Disappear              Prc- Pres. Coolidge

Dapc- Disappearance         Prh- Pres. Hoover

Dapd- Disappeared           Prr- Pres. Roosevelt

Dapg- Disappearing          Rdo- Radio

Ddk- Dedicate               Spktr- Spectator

Ddkd- Dedicated             Spktrs- Spectators

Dddkn- Dedication           Trs- There's

Dhg- Discharge              Trx- There is

Dhgg- Dicharging            Tsl- Translate

Fht- Fight                  Tsld- Translated

Fhtr- Fighter               Tslg- Translating

Fhtg- Fighting              Trpdo- Torpedo

Hun- Houston                Spn- Zepplin




             W I R E    S I G N A L S


WIRE- Preference            25- Busy on anr wire                    

   over everything          26- Put on gnd wire

   except 95                27- Priority, very

1- Wait a moment                important

2- Important business       28- Do you get my

3- What time is it?             writing?

4- Where shall I go         29- Private, deliver in

   ahead?                       sealed envelope.

5- Have you business        30- No more -end

   for me?                  31- Form 31 train

6- I am ready                   order

7- Are you ready?           32- I understand that

8- Close your key;              I am to .........

   ckt is busy              33- Car report (Also,

9- Close your key for           answer is paid for)

   priority business        34- Msg for all officers

   (wire chief, dspr,       35- You may use my

   etc.)                        signal to ans this

10- Keep this ckt           37- Diversion

    closed                      (Also, inform all

12- Do you under-               interested)

    stand?                  39- Important, with

13- I understand                priority on thru

14- What is the                 wire. (Also, sleep-

    weather?                    car report)

15- For you and             44- Answer promptly

    and other to copy           by wire

17- Lightning here          73- Best regards

18- What is the             88- Love and kisses

    trouble?                91- Supt's signal

19- Form 19 train           92- Deliver promptly

    order                   93- Vice pres. & gen.

21- Stop for meal               mgr's signals

22- Wire test               95- President's signal

23- All copy                134- Who is at the

24- Repeat this back             key?







Address             Ads   Herewith            Hw

Addressee Left            Hurry Answer        Ha

  City               Lc   Make                Mk

Answer              Ans   Message            Msg

Concel & File             No Record           Nr

  Our (Yours)       Caf   No Such Address    Nsa

Charges            Chgs   No Such Street     Nss

Check                Ck   Not at Home         Nh

Collect            Coll   Not at Home-

Confirmation        Cfn     Left Notic      Nhln

Copy                 Cy   No Telegraph

Deliver             Dlr     Office Advise

Delivered           Dld     Disposition   Notoad

Destination        Dstn   Office             Ofs

Disregard Former          Original          Ognl

  Services          Dfs   Our Msg Date       Our

Duplicate           Dup   Reads              Rds

Filing Time         Flt   Release            Rel

>From                 Fm   Reply Paid          Rp

Get Better                See Our Service    Sos

  Address           Gba   See Your Service   Sys

Get Quick                 Service            Svc

  Answer            Gqa   Signature           Sg

Give Some                 Signed             Sgd

  Address           Gsa   Word                Wd

Guaranteed          Gad   Your Message

Hangs Till Morn-            Date             Ymd

  ings Your         Hta




                 MARKET  SUPPLEMENT


Abnqh- Active, but        Clog- Closing

 not notably              Cda- Canada

 higher                   Cfr- Closed Firm

Acah- Active and          Chn- Channel

 higher                   Cng- Change

Acv- Active               Cnr- Consolidated

Advc- Advance              net receipts

Afh- Active, firm         Comn- Common

 & higher                 Cr- Clear rib

Aga- Against              Crs- Clear rib sides

Advt- Advancing           Cs- Clear sides

 tendency                 Cde- Crude

Aobfwos- Absence of       Crub- Crude in

 business for want         barrels

 of stock                 Cqas- Closed quiet

Aqad- All qualities        & steady

 slightly declined        Cn- Corn

Asdph- A speculative      Cat- Cattle

 demand; prices           Chs- Cheese

 higher                   Cm- Cut meats

 Ash- Active and a        Cnm- Corn meal

  shade higher            Cof- Coffee

Axd- Asked                Cot- Cotton

Bxs- Boxes                Dy- Daily

Bhrs- Butchers            Dlbl- Deliverable

Bwn- Brandywine           Dul- Dull

Byt- Buoyant              Dm- Demand

Bsqh- Business small;     Dro- Drovers Joernal

 quotations higher         reports

Bsql- Business samll;     Dub- Bouble

 quotations lower         Dwal- Dull, weak &

Bzs- Business small        lower

Bnqh- But not quot-       Dmf- Demand fair

 ably higher              DaD- Dull &

Bnql- But not quot-        declining

 ably lower               Dau- Dull &

Ba- Barley                 unchanged

Bfh- Beef hams            Dapa- Demand active;

Bcn- Bacon                 prices advancing

Bm- Bulk meats            Dgfp- Demand good

Bag- Bagging               at full prices

Csh- Cash                 Dgfa- Demand fair,

Ch- Choice (if date,       prices advanced

 Chicago)                 Dlhf- Demand light;

Clr- Clear                 holders firm




Damu- Demand dull         Gd- Good

 & mkt unsettled          Gdm- Good demand

Dhats- Dull; holders      Gdun- Good demand,

 anxious to sell           but unsettled

Dsth- Dressed hogs        Gdsh- Good demand

Exa- Extract               & a shade higher

X & C- Export &           Gt- Great

 consumption              Ha- hay

Eaw- Eastern &            Haw- Heavy & weak

 western                  Hdl- Home demond

Esy- Easy                  limited

Ear- Easler               Herdam- Heavy re-

Egs- Eggs                  ceipts depress mkt

Ero- Early rose           Hgs- Hogs

Exg- Exchange             Humc- Holders un-

Fr- Fair                   willing to make

Frts- Freights             concessions

Fac- Fairly active        Ina- Inactive=

Faf- Fairly active        Inal- Inactive & lower

 & firm                   Idm- Improved

Fas- Fairly active &       demand

 steady                   Igd- In good demand

Fashr- Fairly active      Ifd- In fair demand

 & shade higher           Ir- Irregular 

Fam- Family               Im- India mess

Fd- Fair demand           Ld- Light demand

Fdf- Fair demand;         Lms- Little more

 firmer                    steady

Fmr- Firmer               Lma- Little more

Frl- Freights to           active

 Liverpool                Lr- Lower

Ftd- Fair trade           Lb- Lower, but

 demand                   Lac- Less active

Flw- Fluctuations         Lga- Lower grades

  wide                     advanced

Fah- Firmer & higher      Lrd- Lard

Fpabnd- Full prices       Lc- Long clear

 asked, but no            Lhg- Live hogs

 demand                   Lhr- Leather

Fiq- Feeling is           Ls- Long & short

 quieter                  Lm- Low middling

Fadbalr- Fair demand      Lmc- Low middling

 but at lower prices       close

Flr- Flour                Minn- Minnesota

Gdfp- Good demand         Mdls- Middles

 at full prices           Mdg- Middling

Gs- Generally steady      Mo- Middling New

Gb- Great Britian          Orleans




Modm- Moderate            Ps- Prime steam

 demand                   Ptc- Prime to choice

Mdt- Moderate             Pun- Prices unchanged

Mq- Market Quiet          Pvns- Provisions

Mol- Molasses             Qaf- Quiet & firm

Maas- More active         Qas- Quiet & steady

 and a shade .......      Qaw- Quiet & weak

Mosa- Moderate sales      Qbm- Quotations bare-

Mwdc- Mkt without          ly maintained

 decided change           Qod- Quoted

Msbu- Mkt buoyant,        Qns- Quotations

 but unsettled            Qoy- Quotably

Mswamd- Mkt steady        Qu- Quiet

 with moderate            Qun- Quiet &

 demand                    unchanged

Mafab- Mkt favors         Rb- Railroad bonds

 buyers                   Rct- Receipts

Mopfac- Mkt opened        Rf- Refined

 firmer, but fell         Rjd- Rejected

 at close                 Ro- Rose

Mosby- More sellers       Rosn- Rosin

 than buyers              S- Sales

Mb- Market bare           Sca- Scarce

Mdy- Moderately           Scy- Scarcely

Mdyac- Moderately         Sg- Spring

 active                   Spt- Spot

Nom- Nominal              Stdy- Steady

Num- Nominally            Sug- Sugar

 unchanged                Spms- Shipments

Ned- No export            Sb- State bonds

 demand                   Saf- Scarce & firm

Opd- Opened               Saw- State & Western

  -- Offered              Sbf- Slightly in

Ofbcd- Opened firm,        buyer's favor

 but closing dull         Sbpun- Small business

Oljod- Only limited        prices unchanged

 jobbing demand           Sgd- Steady, good

Odca- Opened dull,         demand

 but closed active        Shah- Shade higher

Ofav- Opened firm,        Sho- Shoulders

 advanced                 Smb- Small business

Ory- Ordinary             Sog- Stock of grain

Pb- Peachblows             on hand

Pet- Petroleum            Sq- Steady & quiet

Pir- Prices irregular     Stg- Strong

Pkd- Packed               Strd- Steam rendered

Pno- Prices normal        Sum- Sales unim-

Pots- Potatoes             portant




Tal-       Tallow         Upwty- Upward

Tb- Tierce Beef            tendency

Tdw- Tending              Unxvl- Unexpected

 downward                  arrival

Tup- Tending upward       Unudm- Unusual

Tny- Tendency              demand

Tur- Turpentine           Wht- Wheat

Uns- Unsettled            Wir- Winter

Ugd- Unchanged            Wsh- Whiskey

Upt- Unimportant          Wdc- Without de-

Uad- Ungraded              cided charge

Unw- Unwashed             Wic- Without import-

Ugl- Unsettled, gen-       ant change

 erally lower             Wc- Without change

Upic- United Pipe         Xcd- Excited

 Line certificates        Xpt- Export

Unu- Unusual              Xdm- Export demand

Upw- Upward               Yl- Yellow

Unx- Unexpected           Ylg- Yearlings



             THE PHILLIPS CODE

                 BI-CENTENNIAL EDITION


Sponsored byt the Toledo Morse Telegraph Club,

this reprint of the Phillips Code (1925 edition),

was produced and financed by Bro. Harwell

E. West as a service to the fraternity of former

press telegraph operators.


Bro. West is editor and publisher of the Brass

Pounders' Gossip, nationally known publica-

tion of the Toled Morse Telegraph Club.


Bros. E. Stuart Davis and George t. Secrist

were very helpful in preparing this very com-

plete edition of the Phillips and other teleg-

raphic codes.


  Copies of this Bi-Centennial edition may

              by obtained from

                         Harwell E. West

                         Box 152, Orland Park, Il 60462

                                Price: $5.50 postpaid



[Rubber Stamped in Red Ink:]


               National Telegraph Office

               1149 Weber St., Union, NJ 07083






[rear cover: no printing on buff colored paper

 same as front cover.  Book binding: Dark

 brown Plastic device with 11 holes.

 Approximate Size of book: 3" Wide by 6" High ]


[------The Phillips Code Book transcription is completed-------]


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